View Full Version : Update/More: Rumoured Names for the 2011 WWE H.O.F

10-14-2010, 11:59 PM
Among those discussed this past week for induction into the 2011 WWE Hall of Fame were Bill Goldberg, Lex Luger and Ron Simmons.

Also under consideration for induction into the Hall is that of the Four Horsemen. Company officials would prefer to induct the group as opposed to solely Arn Anderson. However, the group's induction will likely hinge on whether Ric Flair re-signs with TNA Wrestling once his current expires early next year.

WWE also has strong interest in inducting Sting in the Hall of Fame, though his availability hinges on whether he re-signs with TNA Wrestling for 2011.

Source: The Wrestling Observer Newsletter

The Mac
10-15-2010, 12:20 AM
ron simmons and luger should have been in long ago. although he had a big impact on wrestling im not a big supporter of goldberg going into the hof but having the horseman in would be epic as lng as its origonal horseman who cares about mongo lol

Big Evil
10-15-2010, 12:21 AM
I don't see why they can't just swallow their pride and make the WWE Hall of Fame the Pro Wrestling Hall of Fame so they can induct anyone no matter what company signs their paychecks. TNA isn't a competitor, right? Not on the same level? What's the big deal?

10-15-2010, 12:24 AM
Yea Ron Simmons deserves it. Also WWE Would never do that only they and the promotions they own exist.

The Mac
10-15-2010, 12:24 AM
if you induct a tna guy for one he prob wont shw up and 2 it would advertise for tna... wwe shouldnt induct any tna people till they retire cuz lets face it active guys shouldnt be inducted anywayz

10-15-2010, 12:27 AM
Uh sort of annoying but people like Foley, Angle etc wont be inducted unless they leave TNA.

The Mac
10-15-2010, 12:29 AM
Uh sort of annoying but people like Foley, Angle etc wont be inducted unless they leave TNA.

agreed... doesnt matter who u are HHH and the undertaker could leave wwe and go to tna and dominate as usual for years wwe wouldnt induct them till they left

10-15-2010, 05:09 PM
I dont care who would be but plz stays bill out 4rm hof, he sux.

10-15-2010, 05:37 PM
Uh sort of annoying but people like Foley, Angle etc wont be inducted unless they leave TNA.

No, it's called common sense. You don't advertise your competition. If TNA had a HoF do you think guys like Christian or Truth would go in? (Not going on talent or what they did for TNA, but they are both former TNA Champions and there really isn't anybody else in WWE who had a prominent role in TNA once.)

agreed... doesnt matter who u are HHH and the undertaker could leave wwe and go to tna and dominate as usual for years wwe wouldnt induct them till they left

As I just said, it would be absolutely stupid for either company to promote their competition. It's bad enough TNA feels the need to name drop WWE as much as they do, inducting somebody who's currently in the other promotion is not smart for business.

Do you see McDonalds advertising the Whopper? No. Does BMW advertise Audi's? No. Does Windows advertise iPods? Hell naw. So why would WWE advertise for TNA, or vice versa?

10-15-2010, 07:10 PM
Uh yea all im saying they wont get into it if they're in TNA and TNA isnt competition really.

10-16-2010, 12:20 AM
i hope flair dosent resighn with tna id love to see a horsemen induction.

Vick Diesel
10-16-2010, 12:36 AM
I don't see why they can't just swallow their pride and make the WWE Hall of Fame the Pro Wrestling Hall of Fame so they can induct anyone no matter what company signs their paychecks. TNA isn't a competitor, right? Not on the same level? What's the big deal?

I strongly agree with B.E. ot shouldn't matter what company a wrestler works for..a Hall of Fame should be all inclusive for anyone and everyone who is a pro-wrestler!! :)

Kenpachi Zaraki
10-16-2010, 08:08 AM
you have the NWA HoF for that. But yeah Horsemen minus Flair would be a fail

10-16-2010, 02:04 PM
Flair is already in the hall though isn't he?

Kenpachi Zaraki
10-16-2010, 02:08 PM
no I dont think he is

10-16-2010, 02:58 PM
Yes he is. He was inducted the same year he faced HBK at WM.

Dragón De Muerte
10-17-2010, 04:10 PM
What about kevin nash to go with wcw theme now he is gone from tna? also seen as taker looks like he's retiring this year should he be the headline induction like flair was the year he retired.

10-17-2010, 04:22 PM
What about kevin nash to go with wcw theme now he is gone from tna? also seen as taker looks like he's retiring this year should he be the headline induction like flair was the year he retired.

Nash I reckon is possible but Taker might not even be retiring this year. JR said in one of his recent blogs that he has a contract for a few more years or is due to sign one, something like that.

Goldberg is rumoured to be slated as the headline induction this year.

I imagine Shawn Michaels next year and Undertaker the year after perhaps. 2013 due to superstitious beliefs and all that could add to the whole Deadman gimmick too.

Kenpachi Zaraki
10-17-2010, 05:25 PM
Nash and Michaels may go in together. Of course with both Nash and Sting gone now WCW HoF looks real strong

10-17-2010, 08:12 PM
Names that remain in discussion for next year's 2011 WWE Hall of Fame in Atlanta during Wrestlemania 27 weekend include Ron Simmons, Lex Luger and Bill Goldberg reports The Wrestling Observer Newsletter. There was also interest in inducting the Four Horseman as a group, but that would only depend on Ric Flair's availability and if he wasn't still signed with TNA after this year. The same discussion was made about Sting, but that again depends on his contractual status with TNA.


10-18-2010, 06:04 PM
Are the Steiner Brothers already inducted? I'd like to see them go in this year if not.