View Full Version : Daniels Talks About Why He Never Made It To WWE

The Mac
10-15-2010, 04:09 PM
The following is an excerpt from a recent interview on wrestlingvoice.net with "The Fallen Angel" Christopher Daniels:

DD: “You were a member of the Funkin’ Dojo in 1998 and during this time wrestled several televised and dark matches for the then WWF, how did this come about and what exactly was your relationship with the WWF?”

CD: “Well, my friend from Windy City [Pro Wrestling], his name was Kevin Quinn, had met Victor Quinones when he was in Puerto Rico, and so through him I knew Victor and I decided to go to WWF television taping in Phoenix and Victor set up a Shotgun Saturday Night match between me and Taka Michinoku and that match sort of got me on the map with the WWF guys, they offered me a spot in one of the Funkin’ Dojo’s, which was basically a try out camp when that was going on, when they had those dojo’s at Titan Towers and Dory Funk [Jr] was running them it was sort of a tryout camp, so I went and I did that camp with guys like Kurt Angle and Test and Steve Williams, Tiger Ali Singh, Steve Corino, I went through that Dojo and on occasion did dark matches, I on occasion did televised matches for WWF and sort of kept in touch throughout my career and tried to get in, and just something never clicked, I guess they never saw anything in me that they wanted to put any effort into so I never really had any long term relationship with them other than the occasional dark match.”