View Full Version : Chris Jericho responds to comments by Kevin Nash

10-22-2010, 10:12 PM
Former WWE star Chris Jericho wrote the following on his official Twitter page in regards to some recent comments by former TNA star Kevin Nash in a new interview.

"Nash's interview was so short sighted and indicative of the entire "WCW" attitude. The WWE's Youth movement is a mistake? Ask Rock, Goldberg and John Cena if it took them six or seven years before they drew money. Six or seven months maybe...People want to see something new."


Could move to WWE if you'd but he's speaking about Nash from TNA.

10-23-2010, 06:26 AM
Rock did not draw in 6 months. Neither did Cena. Seamus did and he was the fastest push I have seen.

10-24-2010, 05:11 AM
what about Brock Lesnar? how much time did he took to reach to the top ? What WWE sees is whether they need to draw blood from a new talent . If they need they do that ...the most promising guy gets lucky then . Sheamus is no doubt talented. His ring-work is good but he is a case of 'right place at the right time' .Brock Lesnar was kinda same story the guy was sky rocketted to the top .In both cases WWE felt the need to inject fresh blood at the top of the card and they did.

10-24-2010, 05:55 AM
True. Rock wallowed for a while as Rocky Miavia. Wasn't until the Nation of Domination that he started getting a push. Cena built kinda slow too. Although his upset win over Angle and his free styling helped push him. That and compared to whet he looked like when he came in you can see he does a LOT of gym time. His cardio is good too.

10-24-2010, 01:54 PM
Nash is just an idiot plain and simple. I think some people should spend years in the mid-card before they get a main event push but if some people can keep up with the main event pace then let them get the chance like Sheamus and Lesnar were given, they rolled with it. Sure we have established main eventers but sometimes you need to inject new people into the scene.