View Full Version : Goldberg calls The Undertaker 'Weak' and Edge's Spear 'Weak'

10-29-2010, 07:44 PM
Bill Goldberg was not a fan of the Undertaker/Lesnar confrontation over the weekend.

On his twitter, when asked about it, he wrote "looked weak to me" and "it served it's purpose but ill timed".

He also said if he was offered to face Lesnar again, he would do it "in a second" and about facing Undertaker, he would do it "in a NY minute".

He also called Edge's spear "weak" and his favorite wrestler as a kid was Bruiser Brody. When asked if he would make a return at WM 27, he said "not really up to me right now".


10-29-2010, 10:11 PM
Interesting, coming from a useless, no talent, ass-clown.

Lesnar would beat the fuck out of Billy Boy. Goldberg is about as useful as wet toilet paper floating in the pot.

10-30-2010, 02:43 AM
Goldberg >>>>> Lesnar, Undertaker, EVERYONE

Just saying!

10-30-2010, 07:51 AM
i don't have a respect for him ..he sux

10-30-2010, 02:32 PM
Goldberg is a joke...I really respect what he achieved, but from a objective point of view Bill Goldberg

- could not wrestle
- could not sell other's moves
- would loose to Undertaker in a frre fight IF Taker could be 100& healthy...

But, Goldberg was a good character on Wrestling, but he has no right to critize more talented guys like Lesnar, Taker or anyone other!

11-07-2010, 10:32 PM
would be cool to see goldberg vs taker...also lesnar goldberg 2 be nice

Big Evil
11-07-2010, 11:28 PM
That's just it, everyone that says Goldberg sucks is saying it to the man. Yeah he may not have been the BEST at selling moves or really solid at wrestling, but that doesn't matter.

The reason Goldberg was so popular is because he was built up that way. His CHARACTER, his GIMMICK was that of an unstoppable man, a mean SOB that could take anyone down. That's what he was in WCW, when in WWE he was the same, but they didn't push the invincible gimmick so hard.

You have to take it for what it is, he may not be the best wrestler but he was pushed as such and that's why people say he is good.