View Full Version : Report: Undertaker's Surgery Pushed Back and Recovery Time

11-06-2010, 09:00 PM
The Undertaker was scheduled to undergo surgery this week for a torn rotator cuff. The Wrestling Observer Newsletter reports that he had been working basically with one arm the last few weeks and was in a lot of pain. Undertaker was told a few weeks ago that he would need surgery as the damage to his shoulder was extensive. This is one of the main reasons they moved up the "Buried Alive" stipulation to Bragging Rights as it was originally scheduled for Survivor Series since he was slated to work the current European tour. At 45 years old, the length of recovery time is up in the air. The hope is that he will be back for Wrestlemania, but they are keeping all options open.


Razor Xtreme
11-06-2010, 10:42 PM
Dammit! Really?

Big Evil
11-07-2010, 02:15 PM
That's the thing about Undertaker... it's a delicate situation. We all love him, some, like me, are diehard fans of his, but when a man gets hurt, he has to get it fixed. The Undertaker puts himself on the line to please us fans, but it has wear and tear. Unfortunately, he's at the point where the injuries are more serious and they have to be mended to properly. We as fans need to realize this and treat the situation with patience. It is now the time to worry about when he will retire from wrestling entirely, and should he do that it will be a huge hit to the wrestling world. So we need to take in every moment, not take it for granted, and let the man heal as he needs to, on his own time. For if he can't, he will leave us and the wrestling world behind sooner, rather than later.

Kenpachi Zaraki
11-07-2010, 05:17 PM
just retire and for once put somebody over

Big Evil
11-07-2010, 06:34 PM


Do you ever wonder why the Undertaker was called the 'Conscience of the WWE'?

Do you ever wonder why the Undertaker is renowned as one of the best to ever wrestle?

The Undertaker is a smart man. He is a smart businessman. He knows when to put someone over as well as when someone needs a lesson to better themselves. You know the guy called the Rock? Dwayne Johnson? In a time when he was a green horn, just starting to get a following, he had a match against the Undertaker. This was when the Undertaker was dominant, on top of the then-WWF. When Johnson approached Taker backstage, after the decision was made for the Rock to win, he asked Taker how he wanted the match to go down. Thinking of count-out, or DQ, something non-decisive, the Undertaker told him to pin him, with the Rock Bottom, in the center of the ring.

This blew the Rock's mind... and rightly so. See, it was common for guys on top of the business to step on heads of up-and-comers, to keep the spotlight on themselves. The Undertaker isn't one of those guys. He knew the Rock could be something big. Instead of being selfish, he thought better for the company as a whole and he made sure that match would be a marker for the Rock and the WWF. He put over the Rock the best way he could, with a decisive one, two, three!

That's only one small example of the many things he has done, decisions he has made, and the effect his words have had on the WWE as a whole. So don't dare compare him to the Ric Flair's and Hulk Hogan's that came before, the ones that were too selfish to put someone over. He did what was good for the company time and time again, putting his own reputation on the line in order to push that new guy.

The Mac
11-07-2010, 06:40 PM
i couldnt have said it better myself lol

11-07-2010, 06:46 PM
Just retire and go away please. I'm sick of his slow/awful matches and his boring/awful promos. And before he goes can he at least put someone over. Best thing he ever did recently was get Michelle McCool pushed...

Big Evil
11-07-2010, 07:10 PM
Eel, you just made my list


Do you really expect a 45 year old man to wrestle as quick as Rey Mysterio? Do you expect his promos to be like Edge's?

He is a man all his own, with a unique character to boot. He wrestle's his match, at his own pace. Good wrestlers always do. If you were a wrestling fan, or even a fan of the Undertaker's, you would be able to look beyond a steady pace and watch the freakin' match! But no, just like all the other critics and marks, you choose to bitch about one stupid thing or the other, forgetting he is a living legend in this industry.

His promos? His promos are what they should be. For his character, he can't just walk out into the ring, blabber on and on for fifteen minutes like the Miz, and head to the back. He works with what he's got.

Kenpachi Zaraki
11-07-2010, 07:19 PM
aye BE stop like Miz and listen, he put the Rock over ok but he never put Kane over, got Punk stripped of the title, yeah real good locker room leader

Big Evil
11-07-2010, 07:23 PM
What is this? Give me facts and details!

Kane has always been the one who gets put down in the brother feud between Taker and himself. It's always been that way, at Mania or wherever, the Undertaker got the last laugh. Kane might have struck in and screwed Taker a couple of times, but it's not just Taker's decision to put Kane over. Kane has been screwed time and time again, one of the complaints I have about the WWE.

You say Punk got screwed out of the title by Undertaker? And? What is to say there wasn't a good reason behind it? Maybe Punk wasn't ready to carry the title?

I'm not getting the facts to back that up... two instances with no facts or details isn't going to convince me otherwise. The Undertaker is a great locker room leader, he is the guy that will take someone aside and let them know how to improve themselves, he is one of those guys who has his opinion listened to when he speaks. He doesn't get that respect for being a jerk all these years.

Kenpachi Zaraki
11-07-2010, 07:33 PM
Everybody and their dog knows about taker having got Punk stripped because he wasn't dressed properly (oh wow some reason) or some shit. He also buried Kane and Khali and countless others

The Mac
11-07-2010, 07:35 PM
khali buried himself

Big Evil
11-07-2010, 07:40 PM
^^True that...

For that matter, whatever, I'm not gonna argue without knowing the details. If Punk did something stupid to piss off one of the big dogs in WWE, that's his problem. Guys like Taker and Triple H have a lot of influence, and you better watch yourself around them.

My problem is having people say he never put anyone over. He's done a ton in this industry that many have no clue about. Little things each and every week that helps people out and gives them that confidence or push they need. A lot of these young guys will think of getting themselves noticed and advancing themselves instead of helping each other out. Undertaker and Triple H are dying breeds, guys who understand the business and understand when to do something for the company than for themselves.