View Full Version : WWE Results November 8th, 2010 from Newcastle, UK

11-09-2010, 01:48 AM
Smackdown results from Newcastle-upon-Tyne, England:

1) Finlay beat Tyler Reks. Decent match... finish came from Reks got the shillelagh... ref stopped him using it...Hornswoggle then passed a second shillelagh to Finlay who blasted Reks while the ref got rid of the first one.

2) Mason Ryan beat Chavo Guerrero. Ryan is a powerhouse... impressed me quite a bit... his "move-set" kind of Goldberg/Batista style.

3) Drew McIntyre beat Chris Masters. Very good match... before the match Drew got on the mic and said that he used to wrestle in Newcastle (which was true, he did a lot a work for a now defunct local promotion - Mick Foley appeared on one of their very last shows as well) and go out partying in Newcastle, but that the place was a Dump ! Great way to draw heat ! Good reversal before Masters could lock in the Masterlock into Drew's finisher

4) Dolph Ziggler beat Kaval and MVP in a Triple Threat Intercontinental title match. Ziggler spent most of the time selling outside of the ring. When he was in the ring there were a lot of roll-ups and 2 counts. The finish came when Kaval hit Ziggler with some excellent kicks. Ziggler again went to the outside and MVP hit his finisher on Kaval... then Ziggler jumped back in, threw out MVP and scored the pinfall.

5) Edge & Rey Mysterio beat Alberto Del Rio & "Dashing" Cody Rhodes in an excellent tag match. Before the match Cody jumped the barrier and started throwing a chair about in a fit of rage (having just made a speech about how him and Del Rio are future Hall of Famers, which was virtually inaudible due to booing), the two WWE security guards came over to check on us as the chair came quite close. What was surprising here was Mysterio wrestled 80% of the match himself ! You would have thought Edge had the injury rather than the other way round. Finish came with 619 on Cody, who then turned a round, straight into a spear. After the match Edge got on the mic and said him and Rey were true Hall of Famers... everyone agreed. How quickly can Edge go from Heel to Face ?


6) Kelly Kelly beat Layla in a non-title match. Layla came out with a large Gym ball and started doing some kind of poor fitness routine, which was abruptly ended when Kelly threw the gym ball right in her face. Usual diva's match, nothing special. Layla blindsided Kelly after the match leading Hornswoggle to come out and help Kelly. They celebrated in the ring and even got Tony Chimmel involved (Tony has, and always will be insanely over in Newcastle).

7) Kofi Kingston beat Jack Swagger (with the annoying Eagle) with trouble in paradise. Lots of interference and stalling, but good solid contest. Swagger and the Eagle started double teaming Kofi after the match leading to the arrival of the Big Show, who issued the knockout punch on the Eagle and a chokeslam on Swagger, then the big red pyro went off leading to...

8) MAIN EVENT - Kane vs. Big Show - No Contest. I was expecting a slow slugfest, but the match exceeded my expectations greatly (apart from the finish). A good third of the match was outside the ring and got the crowd really involved. The finish came via ref bump. Show hits chokeslam, no-one to count to 3, then all the heels hit the ring. All the faces promptly followed clearing the ring. The heels then regrouped on the ramp and looked like they were going to storm the ring but they all stopped at the last second apart from Chavo, who took 5 finishers in a row. Edge then got on the mic and thanked the crowd.

This was my tenth WWE live event at Newcastle (One PPV, 6 Raws, 3 SD! ) and I'd say this event was in the top 5 easy. I was apprehensive reading the reports of the earlier shows of this tour but the fact they shuffled everything around and Edge made it gives it an 8 out of 10. Tickets for next April's Wrestlemania Revenge tour go on sale this Wednesday at 9 a.m. BST.