View Full Version : DVD's More Profitable and HHH Radio Interview

11-09-2010, 10:28 PM
Variety has an article today looking at the WWE Films division and how their decision to release titles directly to DVD has made it profitable.

Triple H did a radio interview on 10/29 promoting the Fan Appreciation show in Hartford, CT. In the interview, he said that his injured one of his biceps while making a movie for WWE. He said it was an old injury and he tore it while making the movie. He said that he is still rehabbing and has not been cleared to return to the ring yet. When he worked the fan appreciate show against Alberto Del Rio, he did so in a t-shirt and jeans. He said that his official WWE title is Senor Advisor. He made a joke out of it saying that he works with the Spanish Announce team and is the senor advisor, using the Spanish pronunciation of the word. He also said that he didn't really get to know Stephanie McMahon until they did the storyline where they were married. He plugged that he has two movies shot that will be coming out in the future.