View Full Version : WWE Creative Changes: Inside Jokes

11-11-2010, 04:55 AM
There has been a change in WWE's creative process as it's said that they "want to push the envelope" on company programming. It is also said that they want the commentators making more inside jokes.


Yes could be good :)

Big Evil
11-11-2010, 05:13 AM
Inside jokes? Like what, things that leave the fans guessing as to what in the blue hell they are talking about? Yeah, that will be really good commentary. Unless these 'inside jokes' include the fans, I don't see what use it will have. Now pushing the envelope? That sounds like a good idea. I want some more creativity. I don't want to see the same old bland storylines being pushed, I want some new and intuitive stuff being broadcast. Let's have some good matches, with storyline intertwining more often and not just at the end of the match. I want something that keeps me watching, not flipping the channels.

11-11-2010, 06:54 PM
Pushing the envelope ? Do they mean more Attitude by this ? Because I remember hearing this line as a reference to the Attitude Era.

11-12-2010, 04:20 AM
I love the inside jokes, I remember for Goldust & Aksana's wedding Josh asked Cole who the wedding planner was and he replied "Johnny Ace!"