View Full Version : LIVE Smackdown Results - 16th Aug 2006

08-16-2006, 02:00 AM
Smackdown Results - Taped: 15th Aug | Airing: 18th Aug
Location: Washington DC
Announcers: JBL & Michael Cole

Dark Match:

- WWE Cruiserweight champion Gregory Helms defeated Jimmy Yang.
Yang was back to doing his cowboy gimmick.


- Batista defeated Sylvan in under a minute.

- Sylvester Turkay defeated Scotty Too Hotty.

WWE United States champion Finlay vs Bobby Lashley was announced for later tonight.

Kristal was interviewing WWE Tag Team champions Paul London and Brian Kendrick when they were attacked by KC James and Idol Stevens.

- Ken Kennedy defeated Tatanka after pulling the tights.

Vicki Guerrero asks Teddy Long to call off the Summerslam match between Rey Mysterio and Chavo Guerrero. Long turned down the request.

- The Undertaker defeated The Great Khali in a Last Man Standing Match.

- Vito defeated Scott ? (possibly billed as Scott Fuller).

- Bobby Lashley defeated WWE United States champion Finlay via DQ when William Regal interfered.

In Ring:
WWE World champion King Booker came out, cutting a promo about his Summerslam title defense against Batista. Batista comes out and Booker commands him to kiss Booker's royal foot. Batista steps on his foot, then sits in Booker's royal throne to end Smackdown.

Neo Corey
08-16-2006, 02:07 AM
thanks for the results

08-16-2006, 02:53 AM
Well, a couple of thoughts, why do they have Vito as one of the major matches in the second half of SmackDown. He seems to bve doing this lately and usually with a jobber. I don't understand why, especially with the lead up to SummerSlam this week.

SmackDown had hardly any lead-up to SummerSLam, it seems the WWE concentrated on RAW and even ECW for SummerSlam and left SmackDown out in the cold. Silly thing to do, unless all they want is PPV buys but i would have thought a major PPV would be the perfect opportunity to promote a dieing brand.

08-16-2006, 12:46 PM
Did I read that right, Undertaker Vs. Khali Last Man Standing Match?? I thought that was a PPV match, and since it contains the rariety of the Deadman it should of been.

08-16-2006, 10:32 PM
that show suck

08-22-2006, 01:30 AM
WWE SmackDown! Thoughts – August 18, 2006

If Eddie Was Here He Would Be Disgusted With Everyone Involved In This Angle!!! Even With His Wife Vickie.

Batista VS Sylvan
Squach match –
I was wondering when Sylvan would become a jobber again after winning a few matches over the last few weeks. This says enough of what they think of Sylvan, well this isn’t big news but also what they think of Batista. Last week Batista barely seen in his match and now a 1 minute squach match against Sylvan. He is So OVER-RATED!

Scotty Too Hotty VS Sylvester Terkay
Squach match –
I don’t know why but when I saw Scotty Too Hotty coming out for a match, I was so convinced this would be a squach match ;) Impressive yet again … is this what Michael Cole said?!? Scotty Too Hotty getting out of a former MMA Fighter’s sleeperhold … give me a break. I said earlier that The Great Kali was boring, this guy might be just as boring. Get this guy out of WWE and bring us some matches that last longer then 6 minutes. The Muscle Buster … TNA TNA TNA.

Mr Kennedy VS Tatanka
Good match –
Mr Kennedy is impressive, that’s nothing new … but Tatanka has been impressive as well. We can see what Tatanka’s next angle is gonna be like with complaining to the referee.

The Great Khali VS The Undertaker (Last Man Standing)
Decent match –
I know there are people who freak out when they see The Undertaker, but please, were you really looking forward to this match?!? Some good stuff but again a weak ending of the match, but what else can you do to a guy like Khali, you can’t even pick the guy up.

Vito VS Jobber
Squach match –
I like this guy, to bad about the gimmick. He should get his gimmick back when he was in WCW.

Finlay VS Lashley
Good match –
I like these two guys as well as William regal and Little Bastard. Was that chairshot on Finlay after the match to the outside of the ring was was supposed to happen because it looked like a accident. You could hear the crowd sigh like it was by accident.

Plus: Mr Kennedy VS Tatanka and Tatanka’s impressive matches over the last few weeks. Finlay VS Lashley.
Minus: All those damn build up segments, every damn week the same videos, what a waste of time. Squach matches, all of them. Vito’s gimmick. King Booker or like I like to call him King Boring with his stupid accent and his …