View Full Version : ECW Results - 16th Aug 2006

08-16-2006, 03:19 AM

ECW Results - 16th Aug 2006
Location - Nashville, Tennessee
Commentators - Joey Styles & Tazz

ECW opened with highlights of last week's Sabu vs. Rob Van Dam match, which featured the interjection of Rob Van Dam. Tazz and Joey Styles hyped the Three-Way Ladder match as the main event of tonight's show.

Paul Heyman, flanked by ECW World champion The Big Show, announced that Kurt Angle suffered a groin tear several days ago and Heyman "must protect Kurt Angle from himself." He announced that Angle was medically suspended and announced Sabu vs. Van Dam in a ladder match would be tonight's main event and that it "would be extreme." That main event works for me.

The ECW opening video aired.

Mick Foley's music played and he made his way to the ring, dressed in full Cactus Jack garb. They showed clips of Foley's attack on Ric Flair last night on Monday Night Raw. Foley said that he extended an invitation to Flair last night on Raw to join Foley here at ECW. He said that the word is that Flair has declined the invitation. Foley said that it's not because of lack of guts because you wouldn't face Foley in an "I Quit" match if you didn't have guts. Foley said Flair was recuperating and preparing for one of the most violent matches in WWE history. Foley said that Flair claims that Foley's career wasn't made until he fell off the Hell in the Cell. Foley said he was thrown off the Cell, came back to the ring, and was chokeslammed through the Cell ceiling to the ring. Foley noted the laundry list of injuries he suffered that night and said that he never once thought of quitting. He said he never quit because he would have thought less of himself. He said that Flair has never understood that Foley's career has always been about being able to look in the mirror and liking what he sees. Foley said that Flair is going into a war this Sunday that he cannot win, because the letters I-Q-U-I-T are not in Foley's vocabulary.

Foley said that since Flair isn't here, he wants to introduces his "first guest" tonight, Kelly Kelly, who made her way to the ring. Foley then introduced Melina. Foley said he promised something extreme he's never done in his career. He called for an Extreme "Three-Way Dance" and they began playing music as Melina and Kelly gyrated with each other and Foley. Melina blew Kelly the hell away. If this was 1995, the fans would be chanting for 911.

Ric Flair's music hit (I'll take him over 911 any day) and he hit the ring, attacking Foley. They brawled, with Flair nailing Foley with a low blow. Foley rolled outside, where Flair whipped him into the ring steps. Flair took his belt off and began lashing him. Flair choked Foley with the belt. Foley was bleeding from his mouth. Flair grabbed the mic and screamed at Foley that he was going to learn how to quit. He stormed off. Flair looked like he had more fire than he's shown in forever.

They showed Shannon Moore standing in the corner. He turned to the camera and said, "Question authority." How about creative?

CM Punk made his way to the ring as Joey Styles gave his background.

CM Punk vs Justin Credible

As Justin Credible came to the ring, they showed a clip of Credible in the corner of the screen promising to show that Punk's win last time they met was a fluke. The crowd was chanting "CM Punk" at the bell. Credible slapped Punk, who started hitting roundhouse kicks. Punk hit a running forearm in the corner and then did the Facewash (which wasn't called by name) in the corner, getting a two count. Credible ducked a charge in the corner. Punk tried to come off with a bodypress but Credible caught him with his knees. Credible went for a pin, then locked on an abdominal stretch, beating on Punk's ribs. Credible avoided a roundhouse and then hit a spinning DDT on Punk for a two count. Punk hit a running knee to the face in the corner. Punk nailed a uranage and cinched in the Anaconda Vice (which Tazz called by name) for the tap out. Styles and Tazz put over how dangerous the move was. They showed replays of all the major spots. A decent match but was lacking the atmosphere of the debut.

Winner: CM Punk

They showed a video feature on Rob Van Dam.

They showed Rob Van Dam sitting atop a ladder. RVD said that the last time he was in a ladder match, it was Wrestlemania 22 in the Money in the Bank match. He said that he went on to win the ECW title and he wants it back. He says that he knows it's not going to be easy, but he's going to beat Sabu tonight, then go on to Summerslam for the ECW title. He promised that the new ECW champion will be RVD.

Rene Dupree was doing a photo shoot. Dupree said he's the most beautiful man in sports-entertainment. Someone hit him for using that term in ECW. He said he's going to prove he's the most hardcore wrestler in ECW.

The Full Blooded Italians, Little Guido and Tony Mamaluke, made their way to the ring.

Mike Knox & Test (with Kelly Kelly) vs The Full Blooded Italians, Little Guido and Tony Mamaluke

Tazz and Joey Styles promoted WWE 24/7 debuting on Comcast cable. Knox backed up Guido into the corner, but missed a strike. Guido nailed several kicks and dove off the ropes. Knox caught him and drove Guido into the mat. He stomped the hell out of Guido and tagged in Test. Test caught Guido with a backbreaker, followed by a sideslam. Test charged Guido in the corner but was caught with an elbow. Guido tagged in Mamaluke, who nailed Knox but was caught by Test and hit with the TKO for the pin. Too short to be anything but a squash.

Winners: Mike Knox and Test

Tommy Dreamer and The Sandman hit the ring. Test and Knox retreated from the ring. There was a slight "ECW" chant. They faced off, with Test and Knox finally backing up the aisle. Kelly acted like she was scared to death of getting caned again.

They showed a video feature on Sabu. Sabu said that he needs to be the ECW champion and he'll do anything, sacrifice anything, to win the ladder match. Sabu said that at Summerslam, he's going to defeat Big Show for the ECW title.

Joey Styles and Tazz discussed the ladder match.

Paul Heyman noted that the winner would face Big Show for the title. Kurt Angle attacked Heyman's security and began brawling with Show. Show grabbed him in a front face lock as security handcuffed Angle. Show piefaced Angle, who charged him. Show screamed that it was assault and he wanted to press charges.

Ladder Match for Summerslam ECW title match
Sabu vs Rob Van Dam

Sabu looked like he wanted to deck every fan that touched him as he made his way to the ring. Sabu flung a chair at RVD as soon as he got into the ring. They locked up with Sabu taking RVD down to the mat and working him over. Van Dam reversed the hold, but Sabu made it to the ropes. Sabu unloaded with a series of rights. Van Dam whipped Sabu into the corner. Sabu went for a springboard while RVD went for a Ryder Kick off the ropes. Both missed. RVD took Sabu down and ascended to the top rope. Sabu set up a chair and dove off of it, landing on the top rope to go for a hurancanrana, but slipped and nearly crotched himself. Van Dam dove off the top, trying to reach the contract. It wasn't a pretty match at this point. Sabu hit Air Sabu off a chair, clotheslining RVD over the top to the floor. They fought on the floor. Sabu spiked RVD with a DDT. Sabu brought a ladder towards the ring but Van Dam dropkicked it into him. Van Dam dove over the ropes to the floor but Sabu threw the ladder into him in mid-air.

They went to a commercial break.

When they returned from commercial, Van Dam dropped Sabu across the guard rail, then hit a corkscrew legdrop off the apron across Sabu. Van Dam grabbed the ladder but Sabu dropkicked his legs. Van Dam fell forward into the ladder. Sabu hit the Arabian Facebuster on the back of RVD's neck, with Van Dam's body twisting in a sick manner that looked great. Sabu locked on a Camel Clutch on the ladder, but the bout couldn't end via submission.

Sabu grabbed the ladder and set it up to retrieve the contract. He began to ascend the ladder but RVD shoved it over. Sabu went to do a triple jump moonsault, jumping off the ladder, which was resting on its side, but the ladder gave way and Sabu crashed and burned. Van Dam dropkicked Sabu. He whipped Sabu into the ladder. Van Dam charged Sabu, who evaded. Van Dam then, I kid you not, monkey flipped the ladder, sending it into Sabu. That was one hell of a creative spot.

Van Dam slammed Sabu on the ladder and went for Rolling Thunder but Sabu moved. Sabu set up for the triple jump moonsault off a chair and nailed it. Sabu missed an Arabian Facebuster off the ropes onto the ladder. Van Dam tried to get up the ladder but Sabu pulled him off. Van Dam fought off Sabu and hit the Five Star Frog Splash. Sabu rolled out of the ring. Van Dam set up the ladder to grab the contract. The Big Show hit the ring. Van Dam dove off the ladder onto Show but was caught and tossed through a table. Show called for the contract to be lowered. Sabu dove off the ropes but was caught in a powerbomb. Sabu grabbed the contract while Show was holding him up. Show powerbombed him down and looked furious about Sabu winning.

Winner: Sabu

Show chokeslammed Sabu after the match and walked off. He brought RVD back into the ring and chokeslammed him as well.