View Full Version : WWE Superstars Report for November 11th, 2010

11-12-2010, 02:49 PM
This week’s show starts off with the Raw brand and your announcers are Michael Cole and Josh Mathews.

Match Number One: Zack Ryder versus Yoshi Tatsu in a Welcome Back to TV Match

Before they lock up, Zack with a few woo woo woos. They lock up and Ryder backs Yoshi into the corner and he pushes him. Zack woos but Yoshi chops him and gets a rollup for a near fall. Ryder with a kick and then he works on the arm and wrist. Yoshi reverses and he kicks Ryder in the arm. Yoshi with a hammer lock but Ryder with an elbow. Yoshi with an arm drag into an arm bar. Ryder with a knee instead of a clean break and Ryder throws Yoshi to the floor but Yoshi holds on to the ropes and he hits a drop kick when he returns to the ring and sends Ryder to the floor. Ryder with a shoulder but Yoshi with a knee when Ryder tries for another shoulder. Yoshi with kicks and then he tries to send Ryder into the turnbuckles but Ryder blocks it and he sends Yoshi into the turnbuckles and drops him over the top rope before taking him to the floor.

Ryder with a neck breaker and they return to the ring. Ryder slaps Yoshi in the head and then he chokes him with his boot. Ryder with a reverse chin lock but Yoshi gets to his feet and he kicks Ryder. Yoshi with a sunset flip for a near fall. Ryder with a kick and Yoshi is back on the mat again. Ryder chokes Yoshi in the ropes and then hits a belly-to-back suplex for a near fall. Ryder with a rear chin lock. Yoshi with punches to Ryder but Ryder with an Irish whip and Yoshi with a kick as Ryder charges into the corner. Yoshi goes up top and Ryder stops him. Ryder with forearms to the back and he sets for a superplex and hits it and Ryder can only get a two count. We go to commercial.

We are back and Ryder with a reverse chin lock on Yoshi. Yoshi gets to his feet and this a jawbreaker. Yoshi runs into an elbow. Ryder goes to the turnbuckles but Yoshi catches Ryder and hits a sit out power bomb and both men are down. Yoshi with chops to Ryder and then he hits a spinning heel kick. Yoshi with a handspring back elbow and he gets a near fall. Yoshi with kicks to Ryder and Ryder is backed into the corner. Ryder gets his feet up when Yoshi charges and he gets a near fall. Ryder tries for the Rough Rider but Yoshi moves out of the way. Yoshi with a Shining Wizard for the three count.

Winner: Yoshi Tatsu

It is time for the NXT Rebound.

Match Number Two: Ezekiel Jackson versus Primo with AJ in a Sorry bout your luck Primo Match

Primo poses for the crowd and then they lock up and Zeke pushes Primo down and then Zeke poses to show Primo how it is done. Primo with a waist lock and he slaps Zeke in the head. Zeke with forearms across the chest and then he biels Primo across the ring. Primo retreats to the ropes and then he hits a drop kick to the knee and hits a drop kick and gets a near fall but Zeke sends Primo to the floor on the kick out. Primo with a front face lock on Zeke. Zeke puts Primo on the top turnbuckle but Primo with a kick and then he hits a double sledge from the turnbuckles. Primo returns to the front face lock but Zeke powers out of the hold. Jackson with a series of clothesline to Primo followed by an uranage for the three count.

Winner: Ezekiel Jackson

We go to commercial.

We are back and it is time for the Smackdown half of the show and your announcers are Matt Striker and Todd Grisham.

We see a Kane video package.

Match Number Three: Kaval versus Drew McIntyre in a Why We Like Wrestling Match

Kaval with a kick to the leg and Drew retreats to the ropes. Kaval with another kick to the leg and Drew gets to the ropes again. They lock up and Drew backs Kaval into the ropes and Drew gets an elbow in Kaval’s face. Drew with a forearm and punch to Kaval followed by a kick. Drew with an Irish whip but Kaval with a mule kick out of the corner and a running Yakuza kick for a near fall. Kaval with a chop to Drew followed by head butts in the corner. Drew with a kick and then he sends Kaval into the corner. Drew punches Kaval until the referee warns him. Kaval with a kick and then he goes to the turnbuckles and hits a leap frog head scissors. Drew goes to the floor and Kaval goes up top and hits a cross body and both men are down. Kaval gets back to his feet and returns to the ring as the referee starts his count.

Kaval returns to the floor and he sends Drew back in and gets a near fall. Kaval with a forearm to the back followed by a snap mare and snap elbow drop for a near fall. Kaval with kicks to the chest and then he gets another near fall. Kaval with a European uppercut but Drew tosses Kaval in the air and connects with a kick to the chest as we go to commercial.

We are back and Drew has a seated abdominal stretch on Kaval. We see footage from the commercial break when Drew connected with a gutbuster and got a near fall. We are back to the action in the ring and Kaval gets to his feet. He stomps on Drew’s foot and chops Drew. Kaval with a European uppercut but Drew with a kick. Drew sends Kaval into the corner and he connects with a shoulder and then he kicks Kaval. Drew goes to the floor and he uses the ring post to work on Kaval’s midsection. Drew puts Kaval over the apron and connects with a forearm to the back and Kaval falls to the floor. Drew suplexes Kaval onto the apron and then he returns to the ring and gets a near fall.

Drew with forearms across the chest and he gets another near fall. Drew returns to the seated abdominal stretch to continue to work on the midsection. Drew sends Kaval into the turnbuckles again and Drew with clotheslines in the corner. Drew hits a short arm clothesline and Drew stands over a fallen Kaval. Drew stomps on Kaval’s chest. Drew kicks Kaval as Kaval backs into the corner. Drew with an Irish whip but he misses a charge into the corner. Kaval with palm thrusts and then he hits a series of heel kicks. Kaval with a series of short kicks and then he hits the running enzuigiri into the corner and Kaval gets a near fall.

Drew with a tilt-a-whirl gutbuster and he gets another near fall. Drew kicks Kaval in the corner and he Irish whips Kaval but Kaval with a boot to the head. Kaval with the Tidal Crush but he can only get a two count. Kaval goes up top for the Warrior’s Way but Drew rolls to the apron. Drew kicks the ropes as Kaval goes to the floor. Drew tries for the Future Shock DDT on the apron but Kaval blocks it. Drew sends Kaval to the floor and Kaval with a rolling Liger kick up the steps. Kaval goes up top for the Warrior’s Way but Drew moves. Drew with a knee to Kaval followed by the Future Shock DDT for the three count.

Winner: Drew McIntyre

We go to credits.