View Full Version : The Rock Going Old School?, Lawler Update and Pamela Anderson in Indian Big Brother

11-15-2010, 05:40 PM
WWE will be actively promoting Dwayne Johnson's film "Faster" in the next few weeks. I believe the company was trying to get a video promo from Johnson for the "Old School" Raw, but don't have that 100% confirmed. The film will be released on 11/26.

In regard to the physical WWE Hall of Fame that we discussed last week, the company sent out letters telling cities they were accepting bids for the project and were looking for a location partner that would help offset the cost of building and maintaining the facility. It's very, VERY early in the process for this and one source told me the company was looking at 2012-2013, at the earliest, for the project, with the idea that they could regularly tape footage and wrap-arounds for the potential WWE Network at the location. They are exploring all options right now.

As of the weekend, Jerry Lawler was planning to attend tonight's Raw taping, but I am told the company has a "Plan B" if his health prevents Lawler from attending.

NASCAR driver Carl Edwards, in discussing some recent celebratory runs into the crowd after wins, noted that it was inspired by seeing John Cena do that with fans after they worked on a Gilette Commercial shoot together.

Pamela Anderson will be entering the house for the Indian version of Big Brother, according to reports out of that country. WWE star Great Khali is still part of the cast for the reality series. Anderson made a few WWF appearances in 1995.