View Full Version : WWE Superstars Report for November 18th, 2010

11-19-2010, 03:57 AM
We start off this week’s show with the Smackdown brand and your announcers are Matt Striker and Todd Grisham.

Match Number One: JTG versus Chavo Guerrero in a Yes, they are on the Roster Match

Chavo wants JTG to take off his sunglasses but JTG takes his time and then he puts them on the referee and he kicks Chavo. JTG with a side head lock and JTG with a shoulder tackle. Chavo tries for a kick but JTG blocks it and JTG with a clothesline followed by a forearm. JTG with a sliding punch to Chavo and then he drop kicks Chavo out of the ring. Chavo returns to the ring and he drop kicks JTG in the knee and then he kicks JTG in the ribs. Chavo with punches in the corner while JTG tries to get back to his feet. JTG with punches but Chavo with a knee to the midsection. Chavo with a forearm to the back and then he connects with a Latino uppercut. JTG punches Chavo after blocking a punch but Chavo is able to take JTG down and he connects with a series of blows and then puts JTG in an arm bar. Chavo with a front face lock and JTG gets to his feet. JTG with a back elbow and a forearm to the top of the head. JTG with jabs and then he finishes it off with a roundhouse punch. JTG with a flying flip clothesline. Chavo with a knee but JTG with a back body drop and then he leaps into the corner and hits the Mug Shot for a near fall.

Chavo with a modified Liger kick and then he gives the Guerrero shimmy and it is time for the Three Amigos but JTG blocks the third attempt. Chavo with an elbow and he goes up top. Chavo points to the heavens but JTG is able to get to the turnbuckles. JTG tries for a superplex but Chavo drops JTG on the top rope and then Chavo goes back up top and hits the frog splash and gets the three count.

Winner: Chavo Guerrero

It is time for the Wrestlemania on-sale celebration video package.

Match Number Two: Curt Hawkins versus Trent Barreta in a They were all Dudebusters in FCW Match

They lock up and then Hawkins with a kick to the midsection followed by a side head lock. Hawkins with a shoulder tackle but Trent responds with a running back elbow and a senton splash for a near fall. Barreta misses a charge into the corner and he goes over the top rope to the floor. Hawkins with a kick to Barreta on the floor. Hawkins sends Barreta back first into the apron. They return to the ring and Curt gets a near fall. Hawkins with knees to the back and he puts Barreta in a reverse chin lock. Hawkins trips Barreta as he comes off the ropes and then he kicks Trent before hitting a suplex for a near fall.

Curt returns to the reverse chin lock but Barreta with a belly-to-back suplex to get out of the hold. Trent with a series of forearms followed by a flying clothesline. Trent with a running knee into the corner and then Trent goes to the apron and hits a springboard drop kick to the back but Hawkins is able to kick out. Curt with a suplex for a near fall. Hawkins punches Trent but the referee warns him. Hawkins goes to the top turnbuckle but he takes too long and Trent stops him. Trent tries for a superplex but Curt pushes him off. Trent hits a Frankensteiner followed by a tornado DDT for the three count.

Winner: Trent Barreta

We go to commercial.

We are back and it is time for the Raw half of the show and joining Scott Stanford at the announce table is the three time Straight Edge World Champion, CM Punk.

Match Number Three: Yoshi Tatsu versus Primo with AJ in an International Flavor Match

They lock up and Primo with a side head lock but Yoshi with a hip toss and Japanese arm drag. Yoshi with a rollup for a near fall followed by a side head lock take down. Yoshi holds on to the side head lock but Primo with a chop. Yoshi with a series of chops to respond. Yoshi with a spinning heel kick for a near fall. Yoshi with round kicks followed by running knees into the corner. Yoshi with a handspring back elbow for a near fall. Yoshi with a drop kick that sends Primo to the floor. Yoshi with a drop kick that knocks Primo off the apron and we go to commercial.

We are back and Primo is in control of the match and he puts Yoshi in an arm bar. We see Primo hitting a clothesline during the commercial break. Primo punches Yoshi but Yoshi with chops. Primo with a drop toe hold and then he hits a splash and then he goes through the ropes to the floor and he celebrates with Punk on the floor. Primo with a kick to the back followed by an elbow drop and he gets a near fall. Primo with a punch but Yoshi with chops and punches followed by a cross body for a near fall. Primo with a back elbow and he gets a near fall. Primo with a head butt to the ribs and then he kicks Yoshi. Primo sends Yoshi into the corner and puts him on the top turnbuckle. Primo with a chop to the chest and then he tries for a superplex but Yoshi blocks it and head butts Primo off the turnbuckles. Yoshi with a spinning heel kick for the three count.

Winner: Yoshi Tatsu

We go to commercial.

We are back with the ‘What will John Cena’s Future Be After Sunday’ video package.

Match Number Four; Melina and Gail Kim versus Alicia Fox and Maryse in a Hello Other Divas Match

Melina and Alicia start things off and they lock up and Melina with a split arm drag and drop kick. Melina with knees to the back and she gets a near fall. Melina with an arm bar and she tags in Gail and Gail with a drop kick after a snap mare by Melina. Gail sends Alicia into the turnbuckles but Alicia blocks a second one and connects with a forearm. Gail with a sunset flip for a near fall. Gail with an arm drag and Maryse tags in and she runs into a drop kick. Gail with forearms and Irish whip followed by a cross body into the corner. Gail knocks Alicia off the apron and then she gives Alicia a rana to the floor. Maryse takes Gail down and gets a near fall. Maryse sends Gail into the turnbuckles and gives Gail a snap mare.

Alicia tags in and they lift Gail into the air and drive her to the mat and Alicia gets a near fall. Maryse tags in and she kicks Gail in the midsection and gets a near fall. Maryse slams Gail’s head into the mat and tags Alicia back into the match. Alicia with a reverse chin lock but Gail with elbows to get out of the hold but Alicia pulls Gail to the mat. Alicia misses a punch and Gail hits a neck breaker and both ladies are down.

Maryse and Melina tag in and Melina with a matrix followed by a clothesline or two. Melina with a spin kick followed by forearms. Maryse with an Irish whip and Melina with a kick and Thesz Press but Alicia with a kick to break up the cover. Gail takes care of Alicia. Maryse misses a kick and Melina with a screaming rollup for the three count.

Winners: Melina and Gail Kim

We go to credits.