View Full Version : Concerned Mother Slams WWE

11-27-2010, 09:46 AM
- TodaysZaman.com features an article written by a mother concerned over the violent nature of WWE's product denying her son's pleas to attend the company's first ever show in Turkey—held Nov. 14.

"Some of the parents of my son's classmates, who regularly watch shows featuring fighting, have told me that while they do not like the fact that their children watch shows that glorify violence, they feel as if they have no choice in the matter," Kathy Hamilton wrote. "They complain that they feel there is nothing they can do about the situation because if they try to change the channel or tell their children to turn off the television, they find themselves met with opposition and howls of protest from the youngsters. When we’ve talked amongst ourselves about our concerns in what our children watch, a few of the parents have been surprised to discover that I have completely banned such shows in our house -- both on television and through the Internet. While the result is that I do hear protests from my son about the unfairness of my rule, as long as I stand firm and stay consistent in my decisions, he knows that no matter how much whining he tries, there will be no exception to the rule for such shows."

Source - LOP.

Shane McMahon's Ass
11-27-2010, 09:58 AM
There is more REAL violence and such on a news programs and she's whinging about Stylized Violence?

I understand completely where she is coming from but if she's going to go so far as to ban WWE or whatever from the TV then maybe she should ban TV all together. My own mum tried to do this to me when i was younger til i pointed out that there is more violence on the news and in some of the movies we watched than a WWE/WWF show and she quickly changed her tune.

I really feel for this kid purely because he can't watch it then muck around or talk with his friends about it and therefore alienating him from a social group which most parents try to make sure DON'T happen with their kids.

11-27-2010, 12:14 PM
I feel for that kid - seriously, you want real violence - let the kid watch a documentary or crime channel, soon she will be wanting him to watch the wrestling and not those!

When my mum said I was addicted to the wrestling, I just asked if she would prefer me to be addicted to that or to drugs and alcohol, she quickly accepted that I am going to be a lifelong fan of pro wrestling

Kenpachi Zaraki
11-27-2010, 12:27 PM
my mum didn't let me watch wrestling when I was a kid for the very same reason and cause I used to kick my brother's ass. Do I blame her? Hell no why would anyone wanna let their kids watch the Attitude Era anyways but yeah I don't have a problem with this

11-27-2010, 01:04 PM
It's a nothing story really, she doesn't want her kids watching it, she has stopped them from doing so.

Now we just need the rest fo the mums to stop their kids watching and maybe it'll be more focused on us older ones again ha ha.

11-27-2010, 08:07 PM
I think it is partially a cultural thing anyway. It says that this is for the first WWE show ever in Turkey. Do they show all the violence that the western nations do on television? Does their society wrap themselves in violence like we in the U.S. do? Even though this is scripted and offers as much real life violence as does an action movie, many countries don't show that kind of stuff as a culture. This is also a culture which for centuries had an extreme level of patriarchal dominance, so a mother standing up to her son, probably made news, as their country continues to evolve into one a little more focused on equality and western ideals.

11-27-2010, 10:11 PM
All I know is, I watched NWA wrestling for my entire childhood. Someone bled every damn episode and I'm not a violent person in the least. Stupid people are gonna do stupid shit. TV had nothing to do with it.

11-27-2010, 11:54 PM

Kids is like that anyway. Doesn't have anything to say if they are watching WWE or not.