View Full Version : JR Blogs: His Status/Kofi vs Swagger and More

11-27-2010, 08:54 PM
Jim Ross posted his latest blog entry, noting that he felt like he was on "Man vs. Food" after his wife's Thanksgiving cooking (and that is a hell of a compliment for Mrs. Ross), while discussing some pro wrestling topics, including these highlights:

Kofi vs. Swagger: "Yes...I thought that the Friday Night Smackdown match between Swagger-Kingston was one of the better matches I've seen on TV in a while. The key ingredient, aside from the talent both men possess, is that there was ample time to tell a viable story that invested me emotionally into the match."

CM Punk as an announcer: "Yes...I do feel that CM Punk has the potential to become an entertaining and informative color analyst on WWE TV. The key is going to be for Punk to put in the same amount of effort into becoming a skilled broadcaster that he did in becoming a wrestler. We saw Punk evolve from beginner to Indy star to World Champion in WWE. It is arguably easier for a beginning broadcaster to become proficient in a two man booth as opposed to a three man booth but it can be done. "

Ross' WWE Status: "Yes...I am still happily employed by WWE and love every minute of it. So that means that I am NOT retired nor do I have any plans to check out any time soon. Believe it or not, I get asked this question here on the site or via Twitter every day. I am very happy with my WWE status and am pleased to be able to be still playing for the team that I contributed to in my own, small way."

Ross also discussed Brock Lesnar, his new Main Event Mustard and a TON of other topics, all of which are worth checking out at www.JRsbarBQ.com.