View Full Version : The Latest on the Proposed WWE TV Network and Linda's WWE Future

12-01-2010, 12:37 AM
Reuters is reporting Chief Operating Officer Donna Goldsmith told the Reuters Global Media Summit today that the proposed WWE TV network, which Vince McMahon had said would debut by the end of next summer, is now not scheduled to happen until mid-2012 at the earliest. It could also be early 2013 before it comes to fruition.

They quoted Goldsmith as saying, "It's taken us longer to galvanize the troops and figure out where we're going. My guess is more like the middle of 2012 or even the beginning of 2013 before we're ready to go forward."

She stated that they have not spoken to any potential advertisers yet, wanting to first figure out what the programming on the network will be. She also said that WWE is leaning toward a model where pay-TV operators own a stake in the network (which makes it easier to get it carried).

Goldsmith added that Linda McMahon has decided against returning to WWE (which I think cements that she will run for Senate again in 2012). Vince McMahon will remain the CEO of World Wrestling Entertainment.


catchfan II
12-01-2010, 02:34 AM
We have to wait that long? That sucks!

Kenpachi Zaraki
12-01-2010, 04:58 AM
I hope they can get a global distribution for the network by then so that it's not USA, Canada alone

Y0UR Messiah
12-01-2010, 03:03 PM
Programming could be fun. They could show old eps of Nitro, Saturday Night Main Event, ECW (actual ECW), AWA shows, Wrestling Challenge, and old PPV. They have enough video saved up to run everything they have for at least 5 years without having to repeat 1 fucking show. The only reason I call bullshit on this is because if they started there own network, they'd lose money from USA for showing they're programming on there networks. Which in my mind is exactly why they've pushed this off again because they just signed a multi-year contract to host Smackdown on SyFy. So until those contracts are over, don't expect a network any time soon.