View Full Version : Tyler Black is Pissed Off

12-01-2010, 04:37 AM
Seth Rollins, who was rumored for Season 4 of WWE NXT but didn't make the cut, tweeted, "Today is just one of those days where I hate everything and everyone." Seth Rollins is former ROH World Champion Tyler Black. There was a rumor this afternoon that Michael Cole was going to be the "Pro" and Seth Rollins/Tyler Black was to be the rookie but those plans were scrapped at some point today at the NXT/SD! tapings.


Kenpachi Zaraki
12-01-2010, 04:49 AM
crap that would have been great :(

The Mac
12-01-2010, 04:52 AM
maybe they got sumthing better planned for him

12-01-2010, 04:55 AM
^Yea I'm hoping lol former Indy guys always cause something to happen can't be nice and simple :P

12-01-2010, 06:06 AM
Michael Cole as that guy's pro would have been great. Being RoH World Champion means nothing and he needs a taste of the big leagues to get that into his head.

12-01-2010, 10:57 AM
I think what WWE is looking for going forward are guys who will put up serious in-ring skill , more intense matches . By the word 'intense' I feel weapons are not necessary here ,anyways hitting a chair shot at the back of the head does not make things intense anyway .
Look at the roster WWE is slowly making -
Jack Swagger ,Daniel Bryan,Alberto Del Rio ,Dolph ziggler ,C M PUNK ,Kofi Kingston ,Kaval ,Evan Bourne .
And I am sure more to come .If you study carefully out of these names CM Punk is enjoying a superb run in WWE . Reason is not only his ring skills but his entire persona . The way he carries himself . Tell me how many superstars in WWE are lucky enough to bring his indy name unchanged in WWE?Even- Bryan Danielson got changed to Daniel Bryan .Alberto is also enjoying all these priviledges . Reason ? punk and Del Rio's story telling abilities . I think Tyler Black is quite ok with the Mic work .I believe WWE will plan bigger things for him for sure .