View Full Version : WWE NXT Tapings for November 30th, 2010

12-01-2010, 06:31 AM
Tonight is the season finale for the third edition of NXT and we will be told that many times by the guys with microphones. The votes are in from the WWE Universe, but which one of the two remaining rookies will impress the pros to get the other half of the vote? Will Naomi win the honor of being the next WWE Superstar or will that honor go to Kaitlyn, who wasn’t even a member of the roster when we found out the six rookies at the end of Season Two. Who will get the chance to join Wade Barrett, Kaval, and tonight’s winner on Season 4 of NXT?

We are live on tape on the internet and your announcers are Michael ‘If I cared about this half as much as I appear I do, I still wouldn’t care’ Cole and Josh ‘I’m a Minor Cole Miner’ Mathews. Your host is Matt ‘The only saving grace of the people who talk on this show’ Striker.

Michael Cole starts off by talking about what he did last night on Raw during the main event when he interfered in the WWE Title Match between Miz and Jerry Lawler. Michael doesn’t know why he did it but he will try to talk to Jerry before next week’s Raw and explain his actions.

Matt is in the ring and it is time for Vickie Guerrero to come out and she gives the vintage Excuse Mes as she comes out. She introduces her rookie, a little girl who should thank God every day that she is her pro. If it wasn’t for Vickie, her rookie would not be here tonight in the finale. She brings out the horrible Kaitlyn.

Cole thinks that Kaitlyn should lose while Josh says that Kaitlyn thinks she would win.

Naomi comes to the ring but she is not accompanied by her pro.

Matt congratulates Katilyn and Naomi for making it to the finals. One of them will attain their goals at the end of the night. Matt says that they did not embark on this journey alone. They had pros to help them navigate their way to this point. Matt says that Kelly is not here tonight, but she has a pre-recorded message for Naomi.

She apologizes for not being there, but she is traveling to visit the troops overseas with Eve and Big Show. She says that Naomi is the best rookie she could have and she wishes her the best tonight.

Naomi is asked what it was like to have Kelly as a pro. Naomi says that Kelly was very welcoming and down to earth. She gave her a lot of advice and she was privileged to have Kelly as a pro.

Matt then moves on to the Odd Couple of Vickie Guerrero and Kailtyn. Matt asks Kaitlyn about Vickie. Kaitlyn says that when she first heard that Vickie would be her pro . .

Vickie interrupts and answers for Kaitlyn. Vickie reminds us that she fired her initial diva before the season started and she hand picked Kaitlyn to be her rookie. Not a day goes by without her regretting that. Vickie calls her disruptive and disrespectful. Vickie reminds Katilyn about the problems she had with Dolph and how she tried to steal her boyfriend.

Kaitlyn says that she will refuse to let her last night on NXT be ruined by another petty argument with Vickie. Kaitlyn says that she gave thanks for Vickie being her pro at Thanksgiving while Vickie gave thanks for her second helping of mashed potatoes.

Vickie leaves but Kaitlyn pushes her down and Vickie throws a tantrum. Matt thinks about helping her up but thinks against it and Vickie rolls out of the ring.

Naomi and Kaitlyn will wrestle tonight.

Michael turns his sucking up attention to Vickie Guerrero since Miz is not on the show.

It is time to see the first pro from Season 4.

R Truth is back on NXT and he says that he is going to be the pro for the hottest thing jumping out of a coffee pot, Johnny Curtis.

Johnny says that he is the best performer on season four. He started wrestling at age 15 and started training in the woods. This is where it begins.

We go to commercial.

Match Number One: The Bellas and AJ versus Alicia Fox, Aksana, and Maxine in a Battle for the Heart of Daniel Bryan Match

Aksana and Nikki start things off and Nikki with a forearm to the head but Aksana blocks a hip toss but Nikki with an arm drag. Aksana with a forearm but Nikki with a front face lock. AJ tags in and Aksana with a forearm but AJ with an arm drag. AJ works on the arm and Nikki refuses the tag so Aksana with a knee. Aksana with a forearm to Brie and the referee keeps her out of the ring. Alicia pulls AJ down to the mat while the referee spends time with Aksana. Aksana gets a near fall.

Aksana tags in Alicia and she snap mares AJ and then pulls her up by the hair and drops her to the mat again. Alicia with a Northern Lights suplex but AJ gets her shoulders up. Alicia with a key lock and Irish whip into the corner. Maxine tags in and she works on the arm. Maxine with an Irish whip and running shoulder into the corner. Maxine misses a charge into the corner and Nikki tags in and hits a drop kick and flying clotheslines. Maxine with a knee but Nikki with an X Factor but Askana interferes. Alicia and Brie battle to the floor but Maxine runs Brie into the corner. AJ makes the blind tag and hits a cross body for the three count.

Winners: AJ and the Bellas

After the match, Primo comes to the ring to celebrate with AJ and then Primo kisses AJ before they leave the ring.

We go to a look at another pro for Season Four and it is Chris Masters. He says that he is going to be a pro for a rookie who is a bit brash, cocky, and young. He reminds him of himself. His rookie is Byron Saxton.

Byron says that he thinks he is better because he has a privileged background. It is going to be his time.

We go to commercial.

We are back and Did You Know that WWE is one of the hottest brands?

Ted DiBiase is with Maryse in the back and he says that he is one of the Season Four pros. His rookie has quite the size advantage. His rookie is Brodus Clay.

Brodus says that he is six eight and three hundred sixty pounds. He says that he is the greatest suplex machine and the mastodon of mayhem.

Matt Striker is in the ring and it is time for the rookies to talk about their opponent so we will have a diva face off with some trash talking. They will say why they should win and why their opponent should not.

Kaitlyn goes first and she tells Naomi that she is really good in the ring and probably the most athletic girl she has met. Kaitlyn says that she was a last minute replacement and had the least amount of training going into the competition and had her first match on NXT. She says that Naomi flatlined while Kaitlyn improved. Kaitlyn says that you can’t teach personality.

Naomi is next and she tells Kaitlyn that the time is now and they are looking for the next breakout diva now. She says that she is ready now. She says that she wants everyone to know that this has been the best time of her life and she has had a lot of fun on NXT. She said that she has always wanted to be an entertainer. She says that she has proven to everyone and to herself that she belongs with the Divas. Naomi says that she can hold her head high based on her performance.

Matt says that it is time for them to wrestle as we go to commercial.

Match Number Two: Naomi versus Kaitlyn in a Last Match of Season Three Match

Kaitlyn does the robot at the start of the match and she dances and Naomi responds by mocking her. Kaitlyn with a rollup for a near fall. Kaitlyn with a shoulder tackle and a leg sweep followed by a giant swing but Kaitlyn is also a bit dizzy. Naomi with a drop toe hold and Kaitlyn falls into the ropes. Naomi with an Iceman King Parsons butt bump for a near fall. Kaitlyn gets a near fall on Naomi and then she kicks Naomi in the ribs. Kaitlyn with knees to the midsection as Naomi comes off the ropes. Kaitlyn with a knee to the midsection and she gets a near fall.

Kaitlyn with a body scissors but Naomi gets to her feet and connects with a forearm. Kaitlyn with a kick to the midsection and then she throws Naomi over the top rope to the floor. Kaitlyn catapults Naomi back into the ring and Naomi falls back to the floor. They return to the ring and Kaitlyn kicks Naomi in the back and returns to the body scissors. Naomi rolls back and gets a near fall. Kaitlyn with an Irish whip but she misses a splash into the corner. Naomi with a spinning heel kick into the corner followed by clotheslines and she gets a near fall. Kaitlyn with a head butt and slam to Naomi and she goes to the turnbuckles but she makes contact with Naomi’s foot. Naomi tries for a suplex but Kaitlyn blocks it and gets the three count with an inside cradle.

Winner: Kaitlyn

After the match, Vickie Guerrero says that she has something to say. She tells Kaitlyn that nobody cares about her victory. Vickie wants to take this opportunity to introduce one of the pros for Season Four of NXT, Dolph Ziggler.

Dolph comes out and he thanks Vickie for the introduction and the leadership that she has shown on NXT. Dolph introduces his rookie and the man who will win Season Four, Jacob Novak.

Jacob Novak says that he has business sense. He says that you need to look out for number one.

Matt asks for the pros to caucus and figure out who gets their half of the vote.

We go to commercial.

We are back and it is time to go to the Raw Rebound.

Cole says once more that he will give his side of the story on Monday.

Our next pro is Daniel Bryan. He says that he is proud to be a pro. His rookie is a lot like him and it is Derrick Bateman.

Derrick says that he is adventurous and lives for danger. He is a manly man who can be described as ‘mantastic’.

Matt Striker brings out the Divas who did the walk of shame. Jamie says that she hopes that there could be two winners, but Naomi deserves it. She brings more to the table and has been at it longer. AJ is asked who should win and she says that it depends on what you are looking for and she wants her friend Kaitlyn to win. Maxine is next and she says one hundred percent Naomi. You see what she brings in the ring and what she has done. Aksana is asked last and Aksana ask Matt if he is single because she is getting divorce. Goldust tells her to shut her mouth because nobody can understand what she is saying. Aksana say that everyone want to see her be winner.

It is now time to find out who wins . . . but first we go to commercial.

We are back and it is time to see who the final pro for Season Four will be and it is Alberto Del Rio. He says that his rookie is rich and handsome like him but he is a fighter. His rookie is Conor O’Brian.

He says that this is a dog eat dog world and people don’t always accept you for who you are. He has fought and scratched for his spot and he will be the next breakout star.

Matt is in the ring with Naomi and Kaitlyn. It is time to find out who will be the next breakout star and who will get the silver medal.

The winner of NXT Season Three is Kaitlyn.

Naomi shows class in defeat and she hugs Kaitlyn.

Naomi is asked for her thoughts and she says that it is bittersweet but she is happy for Kaitlyn. She says that she is proud of Kaitlyn.

Kaitlyn gets her chance to give an acceptance speech and she says that she cannot describe her feeling. She got a call two days before Season Three started and had her first match on television. She even wants to thank her ridiculous pro Vickie Guerrero. She thanks everyone for their support.

We go to credits.


The Mac
12-01-2010, 06:39 AM
i said she would win from week one

further proves my awesomeness

im The Mac... and IM AWESOME!!!!!!!!!

Kenpachi Zaraki
12-01-2010, 06:57 AM
ur a n00b who said the same thing everyone else said :P

The Mac
12-01-2010, 07:01 AM
lol shut it gunner lol