View Full Version : McMahon DVD Reveals Incest Angle With Daughter

08-18-2006, 04:42 AM
Credit: PWInsider.com

The new McMahons DVD features commentary from Stephanie McMahon where she says that she had to nix potential incest angles. According to her, Vince wanted himself to be revealed as the father of her baby and when she said no, he pushed for Shane to be revealed as the father. She turned that idea down also. She also said no to Vince's idea that her wedding to Triple H be aired on PPV.

08-18-2006, 05:11 PM
EWWW!! Seriously Vince has some issues!

08-18-2006, 07:46 PM
yeah i have the dvd irts a sweet dvd but thta part of stephs interview was sick

08-19-2006, 02:23 AM
Controversy sells, Vince knows that better than anyone. The kid will probably be someones valet as soon as she can walk, and in a lesbian stable by the time she is 5.

the phenomenal sid
08-19-2006, 04:48 AM
sick but intelligent

08-19-2006, 12:33 PM
It's all good and well saying Vince is sick.... But WHERE does the inspiration for these sick ideas come from???

08-19-2006, 12:43 PM
Yeah, you gotta wonder. If a man is capable of even thinking up these ideas to freak people out and sell the DVD, then what's to stop him thinking up more crap and sending the business down the crapper.

Controversially marketable or not, that is sick and incest is a serious fucking issue and is something not be used lightly in a storyline. You know, if that angle had been made, we'd be watching a WCW production of the Rise and Fall of WWF, The Incest Monologues.

08-19-2006, 06:22 PM
WCW died five years ago, this storyline was proposed five weeks ago. I get your point though.Although I think that we should remember a little something called "the Katie Vick storyline". If necrophilia couldnt kill the WWE, neither would incest.

08-20-2006, 08:10 PM
Yeah, to clarify, my point was that it would of killed WWE if there had been alternatives. I disagree with the buying necrofilia, so buy incest. I know you're not saying that if peo le put up with necrofilia then they SHOULD put up with incest.

I think Incest is more taboo as it is a more "mainstream" taboo, whereas necrofilia is still considered underground. Ask any person, which they'd be more offended by, or would be alarmed about, I think, most would reply incest. It has more potential to cause alot of national news upheaval.