View Full Version : Michael Hayes In Doghouse?

A Blissful Ass
12-02-2010, 12:11 AM
Source: Wrestling Observer Newsletter
According to the Wrestling Observer Smackdown's head creative writer Michael Hayes is in the proverbial "doghouse" over the show's poor ratings. Vince McMahon is said to not be a fan of the current product that Hayes is responsible for, and With Christopher DeJoseph already gone, Hayes might not be far behind.

Interestingly if he is released, there will be no "wrestling" writers left in the company, if you don't count the McMahons and Triple H.


12-02-2010, 12:25 AM
Well, we need people who know the company to write for it or else its just going to be the same crap!

Y0UR Messiah
12-02-2010, 01:23 AM
It's not the writing that's the problem. It's the PG rating. If you gave him the chance to write wrestling like it should be written ratings would go up and the shows would be a hell of a lot more entertaining.

I have two words why this PG crap is screwed up.

Juan Cena.

I mean what the fuck! Remember when Austin got fired?! Did he wear a mask and go under a Mexican name? Fuck no. He held Vince hostage with a gun, a fake one, but still awesome nonetheless. If they want ratings to go back up, untie the fucking writers hands and let them do what brought them to the dance.

12-02-2010, 01:43 AM
Not storyline wise really but more or less wrestlers who don't get on with each other having matches and you know actually wrestling.

Fuck me what a terrible idea, Smackdown needs changing. :(

12-02-2010, 01:47 AM
Hayes ain't the problem, the WWE's inability to allow him to really let loose with some different ideas is. Until the WWE decides they wanna get back to doing something creative, it doesn't matter who they have writing those damn shows.

12-02-2010, 01:52 AM
It's not the writing that's the problem. It's the PG rating. If you gave him the chance to write wrestling like it should be written ratings would go up and the shows would be a hell of a lot more entertaining.

I have two words why this PG crap is screwed up.

Juan Cena.

I mean what the fuck! Remember when Austin got fired?! Did he wear a mask and go under a Mexican name? Fuck no. He held Vince hostage with a gun, a fake one, but still awesome nonetheless. If they want ratings to go back up, untie the fucking writers hands and let them do what brought them to the dance.

No, it absolutely is the writing that's the problem. WWE has been PG before and suceeded at it and they, along with other places (i.e. TNA) have had more mature ratings and failed terribly. Honestly, what is going to be the difference if they were to go back to a 14 rating? More violence, more blood, skimpier outfits for the divas and what else? It's not like it opens up this whole new world for them to write in, it might improve a little, but not nearly enough to change the overall product.

Besides, since your whole answer to why the "PG crap is screwed up" is "Juan Cena" that makes everything pretty much irrelevent, since the character hasn't even been on TV, nor does there seem to be any plans to put him on TV.

12-02-2010, 05:46 AM
I don't like him tbh and it would be funny if he was to go and no wrestling writers :P

Kenpachi Zaraki
12-02-2010, 08:32 AM
PG is not issue but some neanderthals can't get that through their thick skulls. It's the writing and the fact that they are scared to push new talent which sucks

12-02-2010, 06:53 PM
If they REALLY wanted to get back to being the creative force they once were, they'd hire people with actual knowledge of the wrestling business. That said, this isn't 'wrestling' anymore...it's 'sports entertainment'. So, screw all of us, I guess.