View Full Version : Goldust Update and More Miz in Philly

12-02-2010, 09:52 PM
Goldust noted on his twitter that he underwent the MRI on his shoulder and is currently waiting word on the results. Brian Soscia sent the following....I did an interview with The Miz for The Soscia Network on MIX 106.1 in Philly It got all kinds of fun when we had a guy come in a verbally joust with Miz. He even challenged Miz to chop him (this guy must've weighed 120 soaking wet). Miz didn't do it (smart) but instead we had him rate my chop. He gave it a 7 out of 10. Miz Tweeted and Facebooked about this, so I figured you guys might want to post it. The confrontation starts at about 4:45. Miz was a great guy, seemed polished and ready to take on the off TV responsibilities of being champ. You can listen to the entire appearance here http://www.mixphiladelphia.com/pages/Soscia.html


12-04-2010, 11:22 AM
I hope Goldust is OK, they need to keep pushing him so he can get a world title shot. In fact, I hope The Miz keeps giving people who never got WWE Championship matches a shot... technically Goldust never got a WWE Championship match (he got a WWF Championship match against HBK though).

12-04-2010, 03:47 PM
Lol he's got alot of things on his plate right now :P