View Full Version : WWE Supershow Report in Las Vegas

12-05-2010, 03:12 PM
Just thought I would pass along some notes from tonight's WWE house show here in Las Vegas.

The crowd was hot all night and it everything which is good and it was a pretty nice sized crowd considering the rodeo is in town. Justin Roberts was the ring announcer and his arm was in a sling. First match of the night was Chris Masters who was over huge as a babyface took on Tyler Reks. It was a pretty good match with Masters in control early. Masters won but unfortunately I don't recall how he won but it might've been with the Masterlock.

Next match of the night saw Drew McIntyre take on Chavo Guerrero who got a really nice pop too since he's not on TV either. This was another good match as Chavo got in a lot of offense. Drew worked over Chavo's arm during the match and even slammed it into the ring steps. Chavo hit the frog splash but only got two as Drew grabbed the bottom rope. Chavo hit two of the three amigos as Drew blocked the third one and poked Chavo in the eye which led to the future shock ddt for the win.

Our third match of the night saw Alex Riley take on Primo who got an ok pop but nothing special. I think Riley has improved since the last time I saw him which was back in August of 2008. A lot of people were chanting DUI at Riley. I didn't see how but Riley picked up the win. After the match as Primo was going to back to the locker room, I believe Gabriel and Slater attacked him. I couldn't see who did it from where I was but I did see Garbiel and Slater get into the ring so I'm guessing it was only those two. Tons of heat here for the tag champs as Slater said on the mic that they weren't the champs by luck and challenged any team to a match which was accepted by Santino and Koslov. Now before the match began, the anonymous Raw GM dinged in and Justin Roberts announced that the GM was making this a dance off. Now how the Raw GM was able to ding in is beyond me but that's besides the point. People did boo when the lights flickered and the noise sounded. So anyway, Santino and Koslov danced an then got attacked by the champs which started the match. It was an OK match with Nexus in control a lot and doing a lot of double teaming to huge heat. Koslov played the babyface in peril and made the hot tag to Santino who did all his usual spots including the cobra. Santino went for the pin but Gabriel broke it up. Koslov went charging after Gabriel but Gabriel pulled the top rope down and Koslov flew over. Santino went after Gabriel but Slater nailed Santino with a variation of the Zig Zag. Slater pulled Santino to the corner and made the tag to Gabriel who went top to the top and nailed the 450 for the pin. After the match Nexus continued beating down Santino but Koslov chased them away with a chair.

Next up we had what was supposed to be an Intercontinental Title match between Dolph Ziggler and Kaval but before Kaval came out Dolph got the mic and said that his beautiful girlfriend Vickie Guerrero told him he only had to defend the championship every 30 days so we wont be getting a title match. Kaval then came out to a not so good reaction but did get on the mic and called Dolph chicken as Dolph said he was gonna leave. Dolph changed his mind and wanted Charles Robinson to take his vest off but Kaval took it off instead and put it on himself to a nice reaction. These two had a decent match but I thought Survivor Series was a little better. Kaval won over the crowd near the end. Kaval got the pin after reversing a Dolph rollup and bridging to a huge pop. The crowd was all over Dolph calling him chicken and he couldn't believe Kaval had pinned him.

Rosa Mendes by the way showed off some merchandise and had a little kid be the guest bell ringer for I believe the tag title bout. After the IC Title match we had an appearance by the new WWE Champion The Miz. Miz told us that if we would've bet on him five years ago when he debuted we would be millionaires but none of us did as nobody believed in him and nobody gave him a chance. Miz then went on to say that he was the ultimate opportunist by cashing in his Money in the Bank briefcase. This brought out Edge who clotheslined Riley over the top and then Miz. Edge took the mic and said that he was the only ultimate opportunist in the WWE. Edge said that The Miz is copying Edge's blueprint by winning money in the bank which Edge won the first one. Then cashing it in which Edge did and then the following week having a TLC match with a WWE legend which he did (btw, there were no Woo's when Edge said that), then Edge said he went on to have a live sex celebration but Miz didn't have Lita so Miz would have one with Riley. Edge then said later in the night that it would be a triple threat match between him, Miz and Barrett and Edge would become the WWE Champion for the 10th time. Edge then left which took us to intermission.

After intermission we have Layla challenging Natalya for the Divas title and I have to say that tv does neither woman justice. So Layla brings in some ball and dribbles it and then does leg exercises with it. Natalya then grabbed the ball and threw it in Layla's face to start the match. It was a decent match with Natalya winning with the sharpshooter.

Next up we had Cody Rhodes and Alberto del Rio vs. Kofi Kingston and Rey Mysterio. Rey was over huge with the crowd as there were a lot of 619 chants. Before the match begins Alberto teases throwing his towel into the crowd since Kofi threw his shirt into the crowd but instead Del Rio dropped it on the mat to a chorus of boos and then dropped it outside the ring, Kofi and Rey grab the towel and have some fun with in including Kofi pulling it between his legs. When the match finally starts Rey drops Alberto in the corner sitting down and then Cody charges at Rey but Rey drops Cody right into Alberto's crotch face first. Rey and Kofi win after a 619 and a big splash off the top onto Cody. After the match Kofi and Rey get Cody's jacket daring him to come get it which he doesn't so instead Kofi does the boom drop on it to a big pop.

Before the match Justin Roberts thanks us for coming and looks forward to seeing us in the future.

Main event time as Miz comes out to huge heat, Barrett gets small boos and Edge gets a big pop. It was a good match between the three as they used the ring post a lot. They all got their usual spots in and when Edge hit the spear on Barrett with Miz out on the floor, Riley pulled Edge off of Barrett and to the outside. Riley then threw Edge into the steel guardrail while Miz slipped in and hit the skull crushing finale on Barrett for the three. After the match Riley threw Edge into the ring and he and Miz double teamed him. Riley held Edge for Miz to hit him with the belt but Edge moved and Miz hit Riley to a pop. Edge then speared Miz to send the crowd home happy. Afterward, Edge walked around ringside slapping hands.

Overall it was a fun show to attend and am glad I went. I would say the biggest pop for sure went to Rey Mysterio and the most boos went to The Miz and Riley followed by Gabriel and Slater.