View Full Version : Former WWE Star Viciously Tears Shawn Michaels Apart

Black Widow
12-06-2010, 08:44 PM
On the latest episode of "Highway 2 Helms", former WWE star "Hurricane" Shane Helms' weekly web show, co-host Marty Gardner asked Helms who his least favorite wrestler of all-time is. His answer? Shawn Michaels. Helms stated that Michaels was one of his idols growing up, but "he really let me down as a person". Helms then went on to really tear into Michaels, saying he believes Michaels is "the biggest hypocrite in the business" and that "his whole religious gimmick is a f***ing work".

Helms said that he doesn't discount Michaels' ring work and says that his matches with The Undertaker are some of the greatest matches of all-time, but as a person Michaels is a "cock-eyed cross-eyed piece of sh**.

Helms then told a story about being so angry at Michaels at a show last year that he wanted to hit him, not caring if he got fired by WWE over it. Michaels was having an argument with Chris Jericho at catering and was verbally attacking Jericho, which Helms did not agree with. Helms did not explain what the issue between Michaels and Jericho was about.

Helms went on to say Michaels is "one of the biggest drug users in the history of the business...who has snorted more coke and done more steroids" than anybody else in wrestling.

The episode can be viewed at this link.


12-06-2010, 09:03 PM
Helms is a moron!

Offcoure Shawn's religious believes is not a work. What have he been smoking? :eek:

12-07-2010, 02:18 AM
Following up his comments on Shawn Michaels on his "Highway to Helms" online show, Hurricane Helms tweeted "I wonder if I backstab a bunch of people and hurt careers & family's and slaughter animals for fun but then pray on stage, that make it ok? Just wondering? :-) But enough about that hypocrite, I'm home after a great but hard working tour and got to catch up on my DVR's."

When Shawn Michaels was asked on his twitter if he heard about the verbal attacks made by Helms, and his thoughts about it, he tweeted "From u all I hav. Verbal attack? Wow pretty scary. Thoughts? Sticks&stones I guess?:-)"


12-07-2010, 02:20 AM
Thanx for the update Travis!

Shawn did just the right thing. Just ignore losers like Helms.

12-07-2010, 03:26 AM
Wouldn't surprise me much in fairness but it's pretty irrelevant either way really.

12-07-2010, 04:50 AM
just a sad never-has-beens attempt at getting attention

Kenpachi Zaraki
12-07-2010, 05:09 AM
well Shawn's never been a saint so doesn't surprise me much lol

Y0UR Messiah
12-07-2010, 07:05 AM
I don't like Helms, never have never will. But I believe him on Michaels. I've never believed this God bullshit or anything he says. The guy is one if not the best performer in the business but as a person, please, I'm known drug dealers with more heart and are more honest.

12-07-2010, 07:29 AM
I don't like Helms, never have never will. But I believe him on Michaels. I've never believed this God bullshit or anything he says. The guy is one if not the best performer in the business but as a person, please, I'm known drug dealers with more heart and are more honest.

So, I'm guessing this means you KNOW Shawn? And I don't mean you watched him on tv for 2 decades. I mean, you actually KNOW him, talk(ed) to him regularly, and have had him personally lie to to you. If not, I haven't a clue how you can speak to his level of honesty. Whether you believe his "God bullshit" or not is up to you but unless you actually know the man, I don't think you've any idea what sort of man he is.

12-08-2010, 02:45 AM
There was a little more on the Helms vs. Michaels front today:

Hurricane Helms tweeted "I think I might go murder some animals for fun and hang their heads on my wall cuz that's what Jesus would do. Right @ShawnMichaels_ ?" Helms also called HBK fans "retards"

Shawn Michaels tweeted "Jus got bak. Wow u guys r fired up! Sorry u have 2 deal w/it. Don't worry, I don't. Comes w/the territory. have zero desire 2 do the internet stuff other than corresponding w/u. U can make ur own decisions & I will respect them. May I now return to having fun w/ u all please. Life is 2 short 4 me 2 go thru High school again:-) "

When someone asked him why isnt he sticking up for himself, he tweeted "Ur the ones that upset why do I hav 2 do sumthing."


12-08-2010, 02:48 AM
^^ Thanx for the update Travis!

I don't like Helms, never have never will. But I believe him on Michaels. I've never believed this God bullshit or anything he says. The guy is one if not the best performer in the business but as a person, please, I'm known drug dealers with more heart and are more honest.

Why would he lie about being religious? If it wasn't for Trips, Sting and GOD. Shawn would probably be dead today dude!

12-08-2010, 03:58 AM
I don't know Shawn personally, but judging by what Helms' close friends(Matt and Jeff Hardy) do on the internet, I'd say this is just a plea for attention.