View Full Version : WWE Superstars Report for December 9th, 2010

12-10-2010, 07:03 AM
We start off this week’s show with the Smackdown brand and your announcers are Jack Korpela and Matt Striker.

Match Number One: JTG versus Tyler Reks

They lock up and Reks with a knee and forearm to the back. Reks with a European uppercut and kicks followed by an Irish whip but he misses a charge into the corner. JTG with a drop kick and then he tries to go into the corner but Reks catches him and hits a spinebuster. Reks with a kick followed by an elbow drop and a knee drop. Reks sends JTG into the ring post and then he hits a short arm forearm and gets a near fall. Reks with a knee to the back followed by a take down and near fall. JTG with a sliding uppercut but Reks with a big boot but he misses a knee drop. JTG with a kick and then he tries again but Reks blocks it. JTG with punches to Reks and then he hits a flying back elbow and flip shoulder tackle. JTG with a drop kick.

JTG pulls some dice out of his boots and he leaps into the corner and hits the mug shot for a near fall. Reks with a forearm to the back and then he tries to run JTG into the corner but JTG with a sunset flip for a near fall. JTG with a punch but Reks pulls JTG off the turnbuckles. Reks gets JTG up for the Burning Hammer
and he hits it and gets the three count.

Winner: Tyler Reks

It is time to take a look back at the season premiere of Season Four of NXT.

Match Number Two: Curt Hawkins versus Trent Barreta in a Greatest Feud in the History of Superstars Match

Curt says that he is tired of having to beat up Trent every week and then he pushes him. Trent with a slap and European uppercut. Barreta with a running back elbow for a near fall. Trent sends Curt into the turnbuckles again and then hits a knee drop for a near fall. Trent with a hip lock take down into a side head lock. Curt with a head scissors but Trent escapes and hits a side head lock take down into a side head lock. Trent with a shoulder tackle and rana for a near fall.

Trent with another hip lock take down into a side head lock. Curt gets back to his feet and he backs Trent into the turnbuckles and Curt with a shoulder. Curt with an Irish whip and Trent tries to float over but Curt catches him and sends Trent to the floor and Trent appears to have hit his head on the ring steps.

We go to commercial.

We are back and Curt with a reverse chin lock on Trent as we see footage of Barreta hitting the steps before the break. Curt with a forearm to the back but Trent with an enzuigiri and both men are down. Trent blocks a punch and connects with punches of his own. Trent with a running forearm and back elbow followed by an elbow into the corner. Trent with a springboard drop kick to the back of the head and gets a near fall. Trent waits for Hawkins to get up and he misses the running knee and Curt with a clothesline and a near fall. Trent with a running Yakuza kick but he only gets a near fall. Trent tries for a suplex but Hawkins blocks it. Curt sends Trent to the apron and Hawkins with a knee but Trent back body drops Hawkins to the floor.

Trent with a corkscrew moonsault onto Hawkins and both men are down. Trent rolls Curt back into the ring and he gets a near fall. Trent sets for the Tornado DDT but Hawkins pushes him off. Trent sends Curt into the turnbuckles and he hits the Tornado DDT for the three count.

Winner: Trent Barreta

We go to commercial.

We are back and if it is the second half of the show, it is time for the Raw half of the show. Your announcers are CM Punk and Scott Stanford.

Match Number Three: Zack Ryder versus Ezekiel Jackson

They lock up and Ryder with a side head lock but Jackson picks up Zack and throws him off. They lock up again and Jackson with a side head lock. Ryder with forearms but Jackson with a shoulder tackle that makes Zack rethink his decision to face Jackson. Ryder with a kick to the leg. Ryder with a drop kick to the leg but Jackson with a knee and forearm to the back. Jackson gets Ryder up for a slam but Ryder escapes and rakes the eyes. Ryder with a drop kick from the turnbuckles for a near fall.

Ryder punches Jackson and then drops a knee and gets a near fall. Ryder with a front face lock. Jackson picks up Ryder and puts Ryder on the turnbuckles. Ryder with a kick and then he comes off the turnbuckles but Jackson with a body block. Jackson with a clothesline and then the running clothesline into the corner followed by the uranage for the three count.

Winner: Ezekiel Jackson

We go to commercial.

We are back with a Kofi Kingston video package and a run through the matches announced for the TLC pay per view.

It is time for the Raw Rebound.

Match Number Four: Eve Torres versus Alicia Fox in a This is really the main event match

They lock up and Alicia pushes Eve into the ropes. Eve floats over and hits an arm drag or two and goes for an arm bar. Alicia with a forearm but Eve with an elbow and then she misses a kick. Alicia pulls Eve to the mat by the hair and then picks her up by the hair. Alicia with knees to Eve followed by a leg drop for a near fall. Eve with a kick but Alicia with a kick as well and she chokes Eve in the ropes. Alicia with a reverse chin lock and a knee to the back. Alicia returns to the chin lock and Eve gets to her feet.

Eve with a snap mare to escape followed by a sleeper and she climbs on Alicia’s back. Alicia backs Eve into the corner but Eve holds on. Alicia runs Eve into the corner again but Eve holds on. Alicia grabs the hair and hits a back breaker for a near fall. Eve with a forearm to Alicia but Alicia with knees. Eve with a drop kick or two. Eve with a kick and a pump kick and clothesline. Eve pulls Alicia towards the corner but Alicia grabs Eve. Alicia with a Northern Lights suplex for a near fall. Alicia with a knee to the midsection followed by a suplex but Eve lands on her feet and she hits a neck breaker. Eve pulls Alicia towards the corner and Eve goes up top for a moonsault and hits it for the three count.

Winner: Eve Torres

We go to credits.