View Full Version : Bearer Discusses WWE - Tweets About Being Written Off.

12-11-2010, 06:15 PM
Paul Bearer was apparently written off television on last night's episode of SmackDown as the show concluded with Kane pushing a set of ladders over a railing, sending the wheelchair and its occupant to the concrete floor below. The World Heavyweight Champion then realized that he had accidentally taken out his father. "What an abrupt end to a fun unexpected ride. Will I ever return? Never say never," Bearer wrote on Twitter.

Source - EWN.

12-11-2010, 08:51 PM
I'm glad that it's over, his return was pointless without The Undertaker. PLUS I didn't like the Kane/Undertaker feud to begin with anyway so hopefully Edge will win the title and save us from Kane's boring matches and promos.

12-11-2010, 10:24 PM
^Na, I think Kane will hold the title until Undertaker's return.

12-12-2010, 12:04 AM
Edge isn't getting the belt because he doesn't need it to stay way over with the fans. Kane will hold the belt until 'Taker returns to take it from him.

12-13-2010, 10:55 PM
They certainly stretched it out long enough having Paul Bearer "kidnapped" by Edge for weeks and undoing the good work they'd put into building Kane back up.

Edge is over yes but he's still deserving of a title run, not least for putting up with being lumped into non event mediocrity for months on Raw. Be interesting to see which way they go at the PPV.

On a side note, how awful was this weeks Smackdown? :(

12-14-2010, 02:46 AM
Smackdown is unwatchable. The fact that Alberto del Rio is one of the main stars on that show is proof how little they have to offer in the way of entertainment these days.

12-14-2010, 03:48 PM
Smackdown is unwatchable. The fact that Alberto del Rio is one of the main stars on that show is proof how little they have to offer in the way of entertainment these days.

I have to disagree overall. Some weeks Smackdown is the best show of the 3 (Raw, Smackdown and Impact) focussing on matches with only minimal backstage antics.

This last weeks episode though was horrible. Hornswoggle vs The Swagger Soaring Eagle. I shit you not. Swoggle won too.

Followed up by Santino and Koslov retaining the tag belts over Chavo and McIntyre courtesy of a cobra to Chavo.

Kingston vs Ziggler was decent enough but it was blatantly obvious what would happen and it did.

With all the talk of Hayes being on his way out I can't help but wonder if he's had enough.