View Full Version : The 2010 Slammy Award Winners

12-14-2010, 06:46 AM
Below are the full list of WWE Slammy Award winners from tonight's RAW. We posted the winners of the Supplemental Slammys from WWE's website earlier tonight.

Shocker of the Year Award
Nexus debuting on RAW and attacking John Cena

Despicable Me Award
CM Punk for singing happy birthday to Rey Mysterio's daughter

Guest Star Shining Moment of the Year Award
Pee Wee Herman for going at it with The Miz

Move of the Year Award
John Cena for his FU to Batista through the stage

WWE Universe Fan Reaction of the Year Award
The angry Miz girl

Oh Snap! Meltdown Moment of the Year Slammy Award
Edge for destroying the RAW General Manager's laptop

Knucklehead Moment of the Year Award
Mae Young, Michelle McCool & Layla for their fight on RAW

Diva of the Year Award
Michelle McCool, after winning a battle royal

Moment of the Year Award
Shawn Michaels for his final match against The Undertaker at WrestleMania

And I Quote... Line of the Year Award
Michael Cole

Superstar of the Year Award
John Cena


The ShowOff
12-14-2010, 07:14 AM
All I gotta say is Cena getting Superstar of the Year is Crazy.

Only logical choices were Miz or Kane as both have had a great year. Cena spent about half or so of the year getting beat down by Nexus humiliated by Nexus and pretty much hasn't done much all year all together.

Miz hell Miz held all the gold on Raw even MITB...Yes its all planned but from a Kayfabe point of view why wouldn't Miz get it? I mean think about it here in one year he held what 3(counting tag titles as one) out of 5 titles in the WWE ? Come on :no:

Kane would had been good also with pretty much destroying Undertaker and burying him alive but still I'd say Miz over him.

the rest meh i don't care too much for

12-14-2010, 07:39 AM
orton ??why rko wasn't move of the year

12-14-2010, 07:56 AM
Thought it would be Orton

12-14-2010, 06:24 PM
It really should have been Miz if you really want to look at what they did. Like Brandon said, The Miz held all the titles on Raw in this year, and has been without gold for an extended period of time

12-14-2010, 08:20 PM
Why wwe is craving 4 cena?

12-15-2010, 12:47 AM
Orton should've won for move of the year, Edge had the best line I've heard in ages "And I quote: Michael Cole is still a massive tool!", and John Morrison took the sickest ladder bump I've seen in years. All in all, however, a good show. By the way with the Superstar of the Year being fan voted, was there ever any doubt that Cena would win?