View Full Version : Fans Asked Not to Advertise TNA Talent at RAW

12-14-2010, 09:14 PM
Ryan Kennedy, a wrestling fan who attended last night's Raw taping in New Orleans, told Prowrestling.net that while wearing a Mr. Kennedy t-shirt and showing signs about Jeff Hardy and Tommy Dreamer with his friend, either a member of WWE's staff or the arena staff came up to them and told them nicely that while they wouldn't take the signs away to not show the signs about Jeff Hardy and Tommy Dreamer since they didn't want to advertise TNA talent. The person added that the normal procedure would be to also ask the individual to remove the shirt as well, but said he wouldn't do that. The man was described as being very calm after speaking with the fans.


12-14-2010, 09:17 PM
I think this is silly to be honest. Wrestling fans should be allowed to wear wrestling attire at a wrestling show, despite the fact that the wrestlers wrestle for another company.

12-15-2010, 01:25 AM
At least they were polite and courteous about it according to the report.

I have to say though I disagree. You should be able to wear whatever you choose to.

Was it not Vince McMahon himself who filed a lawsuit, or at least threatened to, against the state of Connetticut after they told fans they couldn't wear WWE merchandise at polling booths?

Double standards eh?

Kenpachi Zaraki
12-15-2010, 05:29 AM
yeah well this guy looked like he was there to cause trouble