View Full Version : CM Punk Returning to the Ring

12-16-2010, 11:06 PM
CM Punk is on the booking sheets for next week, main eventing a number of Smackdown house shows in a Four Way Cage match against World champion Kane, Edge and Big Show. The loop includes an event in Chicago, Punk's hometown, which is likely why he is working the Smackdown side of things.

In asking around, I was told there's been no talk of moving him back to the Smackdown brand of late. Raw star Ezekiel Jackson is also listed for some of the Smackdown dates as well.


The ShowOff
12-16-2010, 11:08 PM
Damn :( you think they could have him still on commentary when he isn't in the ring cause he has bought a whole new life to the table if you ask me.

12-17-2010, 04:29 AM
I loved Cm on commentary. I hope he will continue with that

12-17-2010, 04:53 AM
Would be cool if he did both like he did in ROH. He could hype his matches during commentary.