View Full Version : WWE Superstars Report for December 16th, 2010

12-17-2010, 03:49 AM
We start off this week’s show with the Smackdown brand and your announcers are Jack Korpela and Matt Striker.

Match Number One: JTG versus Curt Hawkins

They lock up and JTG with a side head lock and take down. Hawkins gets to his feet but JTG with a shoulder tackle and gets a near fall. JTG works on the arm and takes Hawkins to the mat and kicks him in the arm and gets a near fall. JTG continues to work on the arm but Hawkins backs JTG into the corner and connects with a shoulder followed by a slap. JTG with an Irish whip and then he goes to the turnbuckles but Hawkins sends JTG over the top rope to the floor. Hawkins with a front face lock and then he runs JTG into the apron. They return to the ring and Hawkins gets a near fall. Hawkins with a forearm to the back and then he hits a suplex and gets a near fall. Hawkins with a reverse chin lock. Hawkins with knees to the back while holding on to a rear chin lock. Hawkins with a knee when JTG gets back to his feet. They each try for a clothesline and both men are down.

We go to commercial.

We are back and Hawkins with a chin lock but JTG with a belly-to-back suplex and both men are down. Hawkins with a side head lock and JTG tries for a belly-to-back suplex but Hawkins counters with a lateral press for a near fall. JTG with a punch followed by a reverse atomic drop but Hawkins with a slam and he gets a near fall. Hawkins punches JTG and then he goes up top for the elbow drop but JTG rolls out of the way and Hawkins misses. JTG runs Hawkins into the corner and he kicks Hawkins. JTG leaps into the corner and hits the Mug Shot and gets a near fall. Hawkins kicks JTG in the knee but JTG with a Shout Out for the three count.

Winner: JTG

It is time to take a look back at this week’s NXT when Byron Saxton showed that he could sing, but couldn’t really do the obstacle course. Johnny Curtis showed his prowess at the obstacle course.

We are back and it is already time for the Raw portion of the show. Your announcers are CM Punk and Scott ‘or whatever Punk calls him’ Stanford.

Match Number Two: Zack Ryder versus Darren Young

Zack wants the referee to hold Darren back because he isn’t ready. Ryder backs Young into the corner and he pushes him. Young pushes back and gets a rollup when Ryder misses a charge into the corner. They lock up again and Young with a side head lock and shoulder tackle. Young with a clothesline and knee to the head. Young sends Ryder into the turnbuckles and then hits a European uppercut. Young goes to the turnbuckles and punches Ryder but Ryder escapes and pulls Young into the ropes. Ryder goes to the apron and connects with a kick. Ryder chokes Young in the corner and then slingshots him into the turnbuckles and gets a near fall. Ryder with a reverse chin lock on Young. Young with elbows and then he escapes. Young runs into a boot from Ryder and Ryder gets a near fall. Ryder with a neck breaker but he can only get a two count. Ryder sends Young into the turnbuckles and punches him until the referee warns him. Ryder with a running boot across the face and he gets a near fall.

Ryder with a reverse chin lock on Young and Ryder with a forearm to the back. Young with an overhead belly-to-belly throws and then Young with punches after blocking punches from Ryder. Young with forearms and a flying shoulder tackle. Young with a slap to Ryder and a reverse atomic drop followed by a clothesline. Young with a gut buster from the shoulders for a near fall. Ryder with a forearm and Young tries for a rollup but Ryder holds on to the ropes. Ryder with the Rough Ryder for the three count.

Winner: Zack Ryder

We go to commercial.

We are back with the Raw Rebound.

We run through the card for TLC (at this point)

Match Number Three: Drew McIntyre versus Yoshi Tatsu

Drew takes his time getting ready for the match while Yoshi is ready for action. They lock up and Drew backs Yoshi into the corner and Drew with a clean break. They lock up again and Drew with a side head lock and shoulder tackle. Drew seems impressed with his performance so far. They lock up again and Yoshi sends Drew into the corner and he chops and kicks Drew. Drew with a forearm to the back and he adds punches to the attack. The referee warns Drew but Drew returns to the attack. Yoshi with forearms in the corner and he follows with kicks and the referee warns him. Yoshi with a series of kicks to the head and he gets a near fall.

Yoshi escapes a belly-to-back suplex and Yoshi tries for a round kick but Drew escapes it and goes to the floor. They fight to the floor and Drew tries to send Yoshi into the barrier but Yoshi blocks it and he sends Drew into it. Drew with a shoulder breaker into the ring apron and we go to commercial.

We are back and Drew with a key lock on Yoshi and then he stomps on the arm. Drew wraps Yoshi’s arm in the ropes and then he kicks the ropes to add more pressure to the arm. Drew gets a near fall and Yoshi gets his foot on the ropes to stop the count. Drew punches Yoshi and then he returns to the key lock. Yoshi with kicks to Drew and then he hits a crucifix for a near fall. Drew with a savate kick for a near fall. Drew stomps on the hand and then kicks Yoshi in the head. Drew with an arm bar.

Yoshi punches Drew in the ribs and then he kicks and chops him. Drew with a divorce court and he gets a near fall. Drew with an arm bar but Yoshi with a drop kick that sends Drew to the floor. Drew returns to the ring but Yoshi side steps him and Drew goes into the ring post and to the floor. Drew returns to the ring and Yoshi with chops to Drew. Yoshi with kicks to Drew and then he hits the double knees into the corner. Drew avoids the rolling mare but Yoshi hits a spinning heel kick but Drew gets his hand on the rope and the referee stops his count. Drew sends Yoshi to the apron but Yoshi with a round kick. Yoshi goes up top but misses the spinning heel kick and Drew gets up first and he hits the Future Shock DDT for the three count.

Winner: Drew McIntyre

We go to credits.