View Full Version : JR Blogs: Houston, TLC and More

12-19-2010, 12:11 AM
im Ross posted his latest blog today and the first thing he wrote was "Quick blog with a few random thoughts before leaving for Houston for WWE's TLC this Sunday night." Don't get your hopes up about a JR return on the mic but man, if Vince wanted to give us all a Christmas present a JR return to the Raw booth would be as good as any he has to offer.

Here are some other highlights from the blog.

About going down to FCW this week he said: The recent trip to Tampa was productive. Wednesday's promo class is always one of my favorite exercises. Dusty Rhodes, WWE HOF'er, conducts this all important class which lasts about two hours with the students doing extemporaneous promos usually ranging from a minute to 90 seconds on a variety of topics. In today's sizzle laden presentation of the genre, being able to verbally express one's self is imperative to make it to the very top level within the biz where the biggest earnings potential resides. I conducted a class on financial planning for the group on Wednesday prior to them going to Orlando for a live event.

He went on to talk about why he did the seminar. It is definitely worth reading.

About Taz's new school he said: Sounds like old friend Taz has come up with an intriguing idea to train wrestlers who have a couple of years experience on how they might get to the next level of their careers. I like the fact that the classes are small which really allows for hands on treatment and training. Check out http://www.teamtaz13.com. If you are serious about getting your career moving then I would certainly give Taz' new Dojo legit consideration. I wish Taz well on this endeavor as he's a natural born 'coach.'

About tomorrow's TLC PPV he said: I assume that Michael Cole, the voice of WWE, and WWE Hall of Famer Jerry Lawler will comprise a part of the broadcast team but I have no idea who will joining them. Will it be CM Punk, Josh Mathews, Matt Striker or Todd Grisham? Who knows, WWE might use a 4 man booth to make the show sound really different.

You can read the whole blog, which we always recommend, by visiting the link below http://www.jrsbarbq.com/blog/tribute-2-troops-tonighttlc-ppv-predictionsnew-legends-roundtablefcw-triptazthanks-shopping-us


12-19-2010, 03:41 PM
Agreed with JR on alot of what he's said here.

I would love Del Rio grabbing the belt, leading to a Del Rio/Christian feud. I consider Del Rio to be a main eventer and I despise how he hasn't already won the belt. Albero HAS to be the Breakout star of 10. Edge winning also makes sense, but I would prefer Del Rio to win. Mysterio getting the belt would be awful and nonsensical. With the lack of true Faces on the show, I find it hard to see who Del Rio could fight (With the exception of Edge and Mysterio.. I guess Christian could return), so WWE need to bring some mid-card talent (Such as Ziggler) to challenge Del Rio.

The Miz winning is a definite. I cannot see Orton regaining the belt AGAIN; Miz will keep the belt until Mania. Like JR, if he doesn't then I will be shocked. We received a massive build-up to him winning the belt and the pay-off needs to be along one for Miz. Again, Raw has more heels than faces. Sheamus against Miz would be awful as the pair are heels, whereas WWE NEED a face/heel fight in the main event. Morrison needs to fight Miz at the Rumble, and after that, I would pick Cena to face Miz (They have a history - They "Fought" several times last year).

I'm glad to see that Ziggler, Swagger and Kofi are on a PPV. I can really see these three (Along with Rhodes and McIntyre) in the future of the WWE. These guys are the future, and I cannot wait to see this contest. The fact that it's under some sort of TLC rules is great. Kofi and Dolph have had alot of matches (I'm happy to have witnessed all of them) and the addition of Swagger is a clever mood as he's great in the ring; his push earlier this year somewhat failed and has resulted in him being pushed down the card, but I hope to see a push into the next league. Ultimately, I will be shocked to see him win in this bout; I see Dolph retaining with some assistance from Vickie.