View Full Version : Miz Talks about TLC, Main Event Star, Mania and More

12-19-2010, 09:52 PM
WWE Champion The Miz spoke with Brian Fritz of Fanhouse.com this weekend. Here are some highlights:

You've talked before about everything you went through during your early days in WWE and trying to win over your peers. Do you feel like you've finally gotten over that hump now?

No. It's funny because the way it really works is like this. When I won the United States Championship, everyone said I never defended it. When I won the Tag Team Championships, Big Show was carrying me. When I won the Tag Team Championships with John Morrison, John Morrison was carrying me. Then when I won Money in the Bank it was a fluke. Now I win the WWE Championship and now I'm a paper champion and the only reason I won is because Randy Orton was injured and seven people beat him up. But the fact remains I am still WWE Champion and I really don't care what people think cause the fact still remains I'm el number uno.

What do you think it's going to take for people to say you are a main event star and he should be champion?

It takes a lot of years and a lot of building. And I'm still building. I've been building myself for the past four years that I've been here. If you've looked at me from the beginning until now you'll see a person that has evolved, and I need to keep evolving and keep getting better and keep being the best that I can possibly be and keep on being unpredictable so people say I have no idea what the dude is going to do or say. I'm going to watch him next week just to see what happens. And that's the type of personality I'm going to be and who I am.

Are you going to be disappointed if you're not in the main event at WrestleMania?

Uh, yeah! I'm WWE Champion and I plan on having it long past WrestleMania. I don't know if you heard me but I said I was going to be the longest-reigning WWE Champion in the history of this company and I plan on doing that. Everything that I ever said I was going to do, I've done. I told everyone I was going to win the United States Championship; I won it. I won the unified Tag Team Championships and I said I was going to win them. I said I was going to win Money in the Bank; I won Money in the Bank. I said I was going to cash in the Money in the Bank and win the WWE Championship. Everyone told me I was going to be the first to lose. I didn't lose. I won. So now hear this: I'm going to be the longest-reigning WWE Champion in the history of this company. I'm beating Bruno Sammartino.

The TLC pay-per-view is coming up on Sunday. It's a tables match between you and Randy. We're not going to see some cheap win where maybe he tries to RKO you and you go over the table and he falls through...

I love the way you're saying this like we're not going to see a cheap win. (laughs) Let's put it this way. I win at any way possible. Any way possible I will win. I go for anything. I don't care. I don't care if it's cheap. I don't care if it's cheating. I don't care if it's anything that people don't like. I've never cared what people thought and I don't care now because I'm keeping this WWE Championship no matter what.


12-20-2010, 12:09 AM
Sounds like fun ;)