View Full Version : Wingpanel – elementary’s slick new space-saving panel

12-19-2010, 11:31 PM
WingPanel is a new ‘space-saving top panel’ created by, you’ve guessed it, the elementary team.

So what is it? A quick presentation of how it looks and behaves is presented below, courtesy of team member Chawsum.

“It’s simply a sexy panel that houses indicators. It shall float above windows, so that it steals space from the window titlebar.”


The code for the app – which given its ‘newness’ doesn’t actually do much of anything just yet – can be found on the launchpad page @ launchpad.net/wingpanel. To avoid dissapointment give it a few weeks before trying it out – we’ll certainly let you know as soon as it does something!

These mock-ups have me duly impressed. One assumes that a ‘main menu’ type docklet is to come with Docky as there is no discernable application launching (bar Dock items) in the screenshots but the minimal, refined nature of the panel presents yet another mouth-wateringly cool hints at what’s to come on the elementary OS desktop when it launches later next year.

OMG Ubuntu