View Full Version : Smackdown Results - 18th Aug 2006

08-20-2006, 10:49 AM
Smackdown Results - 18th Aug 2006
Location - Washington, DC
Announcers - JBL & Michael Cole

Quick Results:
- Batista def. Sylvan
- Sylvester Terkay def. Scotty Too Hotty
- Mr. Kennedy def. Tatanka
- Last Man Standing: The Undertaker def. The Great Khali
- Vito def. Scott Fowler
- United States Title: Bobby Lashley def. Finlay by disqualification

We start off tonight’s show with footage from Judgment Day when the Great Khali defeated the Undertaker with Khosrow Daivari’s comments about Khali and how he is the new Phenom. We see footage of the path of destruction of Khali. Then we see Taker make the challenge for a Last Man Standing match at SummerSlam. While it might not be SummerSlam, we will have that match on Smackdown.

Batista vs. Sylvan
Referee: Jim Korderas

Before our first match, Sylvan has something to say to the people of Washington DC. He says that tonight in ‘your’ nation’s capital, the ambassador at large for the province of Quebec will show the whole world Quebec’s greatness by beating their hometown hero.

The match:
As Sylvan entered the ring, Batista took him down and quickly hit a spinebuster. He Batista spears Sylvan when he enters the ring and he follows that with shoulders in the corner and a spinebuster. Batista shakes the ropes and signals for the Batista Bomb and he hits it for the three count.

Winner: Batista

Diva Search:
We are back with footage from Wednesday night’s Diva Search finale as Layla becomes the newest WWE Diva.

In the arena:
We go to one of the suites in the Verizon Center and we see Montell Vontavious Porter celebrating with some of Washington’s finest ladies.

Scotty Too Hotty vs. Sylvester Terkay
Referee: Charles Robinson

The start:
Scotty punches and kicks Terkay at the start of the match and Terkay shakes it off. Scotty goes outside the ring to regroup. Terkay kicks Scotty and knocks Scotty off the apron. While the referee is with Terkay, Elijah rolls Scotty into the ring. Terkay with a front face lock and then he connects with a series of knees before hitting a butterfly suplex. Terkay with punches to Scotty and then he kicks Scotty in the chest.

The Finish:
Terkay with a choke on Scotty but Scotty fights back and elbows Terkay in the head to get out of the hold. Terkay gives Scotty a belly-to-belly suplex followed by kicks to the chest. Terkay rubs his forearm across Scotty’s face. Burke gets on the apron and he gives Sylvester some water. Terkay runs into a back elbow and a kick. Terkay grabs Scotty and runs him into the turnbuckles. Terkay with a muscle buster for the three count.

Winner: Sylvester Terkay

The Aftermath:
After the match, Burke distracts the referee to allow Terkay to inflict more punishment on Scotty. We see Porter applaud Terkay’s performance from his luxury box.

We are back and Paul London and Brian Kendrick are in the interview area with Kristal Marshall. Kristal brings up that they suffered a devastating loss last week and she wants to know if they have anything to say. Kendrick mentions that they lost last week and KC James and Idol Stevens are impressive. They thrive on competition. Paul points out that it was a non-title match but then they are attacked by James and Stevens with Michelle McCool directing the attack.

Tatanka vs. Mr. Kennedy
Referee: Chris Kay

The start:
Kennedy and Tatanka lock up and Tatanka sends him to the mat. Kennedy with a go behind but Tatanka with a standing switch. Kennedy and Tatanka with standing switches. Tatanka works on Kennedy’s arm and slams the arm into the turnbuckle. Kennedy with a forearm but he misses a clothesline and Tatanka with a series of chops to Kennedy. Kennedy goes outside the ring to regroup and Tatanka chases after Kennedy. Tatanka chops Kennedy and they return to the ring.

Mid-match notes:
Tatanka with a shoulder tackle to Kennedy and then he hits a short arm clothesline after blocking a hip toss. Kennedy with a drop kick to Tatanka’s knee and then he works on Tatanka’s leg in the corner. Kennedy puts Tatanka’s leg in the ropes and then he drop kicks the leg. Kennedy with an elbow drop for a two count and then he works on Tatanka’s leg and slams the knee into the mat. Kennedy kicks Tatanka’s knee and then hits a short arm clothesline for a two count. Kennedy returns to the knee. Tatanka slams Kennedy’s head into the turnbuckle followed by kicks to Kennedy when he charges into the corner. Tatanka with a clothesline and both men are down.

The Finish:
Kennedy and Tatanka exchange punches until Tatanka gets the advantage. Kennedy with a kick to Tatanka but he comes off the ropes and Tatanka with a back body drop. Tatanka chops Kennedy and then he goes up top for a chop to the top of the head but Tatanka can only get a two count. Kennedy with a kick and then he tries for a neck breaker but Tatanka gets out of the hold. Tatanka gets Kennedy up for a Samoan Drop but Kennedy with a rake of the eyes and a rollup for the three count.

Winner: Mr. Kennedy

The Aftermath:
After the match, Tatanka argues with the referee claiming that his trunks were held by Kennedy.

In the arena:
We see Porter in his luxury box applauding the action one more time.

Teddy Long is in the Office and he says that he is going to review MVP’s contract offer. Vickie Guerrero enters the Office. Vickie says that she wants Teddy to cancel the match between Chavo and Rey. She says that it is going to tear the family apart. Teddy says the only way they can resolve this conflict is face to face in the ring. Vickie reminds Teddy that Chavo just came out of retirement. She says that if Eddie was here, he would want them to work things out. Teddy says that his hands are tied. Vickie says that Eddie would not want it and she begs him to stop the match. Teddy says that it is a tough decision but the match is still on.

Last Man Standing Match
The Undertaker vs. The Great Khali
Referee: Nick Patrick

The start:
Taker and Khali lock up and Khali misses a charge into the corner. Taker punches and kicks Khali but Khali chokes Taker in the corner. Khali with elbows in the corner followed by an Irish whip and clothesline. Taker sits up and he punches Khali. Khali misses a clothesline and Taker works on Khali’s leg, but Khali punches Taker and then he kicks Taker through the ropes and to the floor. Khali goes outside after Taker and Khali slams Taker’s head into the ring steps.

Mid-match notes:
Taker gets up before the ten count. Taker punches Khali from the floor and then he drops Khali on the top rope. Taker with a forearm to Khali’s throat and then he hits the leg drop on the apron. Taker with a triangle choke on Khali in the ropes. The ref starts his count on Khali and while the ref is not looking, Daivari hits Taker with a chair. Daivari is cornered and Taker slams him into the wall. Daivari with a low blow as Taker and Khali fight by Rey’s entrance. Khali has Taker set for a choke slam, but Taker turns the tables. Taker with a big boot to Daivari.

Khali slams Taker’s head into the wall and then he throws Taker through a table. Taker gets up at nine as we go to commercial. We are back Khali runs Taker into the wall one more time. Khali kicks Taker in the head and they return towards the ring. Khali runs Taker into the ringside barrier. They return to the ring and Khali punches Taker and then he ties Taker up in the ropes. Khali chops Taker in the head while Taker is tied up in the ropes. Khali with a kick and Taker goes down. Taker sits up right before the referee gets to ten. Taker punches Khali and then both men exchange punches with Taker getting the advantage.

The Finish:
Taker clotheslines Khali over the top rope to the floor. Khali reverses an Irish whip on the floor and Taker goes knee first into the ring steps. Khali picks up the ring steps and he tosses them into the ring. Taker hits Khali in the head with the ring steps. Daivari comes into the ring with a chair, but Taker kicks Daivari. Taker hits Khali with the chair and Khali is bleeding and he is down. Khali gets up but Taker hits Khali with the chair two times. Taker with a choke slam and Khali does not answer the ten count.

Winner: The Undertaker

The Aftermath:
Khali is motionless in the ring as Taker’s music plays and we see the closing stages of the match again.

Vito vs. Scott Fowler
Referee: Charles Robinson

Before our next match, we see footage of Vito sightseeing in his dress.

The match:
Vito with a side head lock and shoulder tackle. Fowler with a leap frog but Vito flashes Fowler and then he clotheslines Fowler followed by a slam and a leg drop for a two count. Vito with a side head lock take down but Fowler gets up and he rakes Vito’s eyes before punching Vito. Fowler with an Irish whip but he charges into a boot and then Vito with a punch, clothesline, back elbow, another clothesline, and a back body drop. Vito with an Impaler DDT and then he puts Fowler in a hammer lock and Fowler taps.

Winner: Vito

The Boggeyman:
We are back and the Boogeyman is coming back soon.

United States Championship Match
Bobby Lashley vs. Finlay (c)
Referee: Jim Korderas

Finlay makes his way to the ring to take on Lashley for the United States Title. Lashley’s quickly becoming one of the top guys on the brand based on crowd reactions.

The start:
Lashley backs Finlay into the ropes on a collar and elbow tie up and they have a clean break. Finlay pushes Lashley on a break but Lashley pushes Finlay through the ropes to the floor. Finlay with a single leg take down and a cover. Lashley goes for a take down but Finlay is too close to the ropes. Lashley punches Finlay and knees him in the corner. Lashley with forearms to Finlay and the referee tells Lashley to back off. Finlay has something in his eye and the referee tells Lashley to stay back.

Mid-match notes:
Finlay with a forearm and European uppercut to Lashley. Lashley with an Irish whip and then he presses Finlay over his head and drops him on his knee. Finlay goes outside the ring and Lashley goes after him. While they fight outside, William Regal attacks Lashley from behind. Finlay pushes Lashley into the ring post from the apron and we go to commercial. We are back Finlay with a cobra clutch on Lashley. We see Finlay send Lashley into the ring post during the commercial break. Finlay sends Lashley shoulder first into the ring post and Lashley goes to the floor.

Lashley returns to the ring and Finlay kicks him. Lashley goes back to the floor after Finlay kicks him. Finlay goes out after Lashley but Lashley with a back body drop to Finlay. Lashley sends Finlay back into the ring and Finlay with a clothesline. Finlay returns to the arm with a key lock and then he stomps on Lashley’s elbow. Finlay with an arm bar on Lashley and then he covers Lashley for a near fall. Finlay uses the ropes to his advantage and kicks it to work on Lashley’s arm. Lashley punches Finlay but Finlay with a drop toe hold and another arm bar. Lashley with forearms but Finlay keeps working on the arm.

The Finish:
Lashley with a belly-to-belly suplex and then he punches and kicks Finlay followed by forearms. Lashley with a back elbow and clotheslines. Lashley with a delayed vertical suplex to Finlay and then Lashley punches Regal on the apron. Finlay punches Lashley and then he goes under the ring to get the Little Bastard. Lashley with a spear to Finlay followed by a running power slam but the referee is pulled out of the ring and Regal attacks Lashley. The referee calls for the bell.

Winner by disqualification: Bobby Lashley

The Aftermath:
After the match, Regal and Lashley exchange punches and then the Little Bastard hits Lashley with the shillelagh. He gets a chair and gives it to Finlay. Finlay tries to hit Lashley with the chair but Lashley moves and Finlay hits Regal with the chair. Lashley punches Finlay through the chair and then he hits a back body drop on Finlay and then he clotheslines Finlay over the top rope to the floor. Lashley throws the chair at Finlay outside the ring and Finlay goes down.

King Booker and Queen Sharmell walk in the back and we go to commercial.

In the arena:
We are back and King Booker and Queen Sharmell are in the ring and Booker’s throne shoots off pyro. Booker gets on the mic and he thanks all of his loyal subjects. Booker tells us that on Sunday at SummerSlam, Batista will challenge him for his World Title, the richest prize in all of sports entertainment, as well as his kingdom. He knows that Batista has been focusing on the title since January when he forfeited the title due to an injury. He says that he can march into SummerSlam and beat Batista to a royal bloody pulp beyond recognition. Booker says that he knows that Batista does not want it because he has no heart, no passion, no intestinal fortitude, and he has no idea what King Booker is all about. He tells everyone that Batista has led him astray and Batista has bamboozled the fans and he has run amok. Batista knows that he cannot beat King Booker and on Sunday, he will prove that beyond any shadow of a doubt. Booker says that there is ‘Option B’ and if Batista wants to know what that is, Batista can come to the ring and listen.

Batista comes to the royal ring and Booker says that since Batista is here, Batista is interested in Option B. Option B allows Batista to not publicly humiliate himself. Batista can still have a little respect from his fans. Option B will save Batista’s integrity. Option B is that Batista bow down and get on his knees to kiss his King’s royal feet. Booker sits on his throne and Sharmell gets the official Royal kneeling pillow. Sharmell removes Booker’s royal shoes and royal socks to reveal the royal foot. Batista ponders his options as he stares at Booker’s foot. Batista gets on his knee but then he stomps on Booker’s foot and then he clotheslines Booker over the top rope to the floor. Sharmell checks on her king as we go to credits with Batista wearing the robe and sitting on the throne.

Role Model
08-22-2006, 03:38 AM

Near-perfect TV wrestling show.

This is a HUGE advance from the last few weeks. Even though two of the matches were repeats, they were much better done this time.

Batista squash. The "Animal" is back, in that he seems a LOT more focused and intense in his style. The B-Bomb didn't look like shit this time, and he just seemed to have that groove back that he's been lacking since he got back. I 'loled' when people started a USA chant against Sylvan. It was so corny that it was awesome. * for the fact that it's a squash and therefore had no substance. Told a great story though.

Tatanka/Kennedy. Tatanka REALLY impressed me. His old form seems to have come back and his execution was near flawless. Kennedy did a decent job in selling and putting in his own offense. I do hope that this becomes a feud, as I can see Tatanka really blossoming into a decent midcarder somewhere down the line. Having people do more in the ring does wonders for their character overall. **1/2

Terkay-Scotty. Another squash, this time against SD!'s favorite jobber. Decent match though, and Terkay really does look impressive. I wish they did more with Elijah besides just doing announce work (which really is generic and not necessary), as he seems underutilized. I think they foreshadowed him in a feud with an 'actual' superstar in the near future, the question is who. Lashley? Maybe. I see him feuding against a guy who can match his skillset- namely, Kurt Angle. Terkay seems a lot better apt to be in ECW, where people could appreciate his in-ring work, and he'd be in a bunch of good feuds to jump into. **

Khali-Taker: Definitely the highlight of the show, and WWE is probably slapping their heads thinking that they should have used this in the PPV. I don't think edititing helped much if at all, both Taker and Khali had their a-game for the most part. The key was the utter lack of ability for Khali sell, but he impressed me thoroughly with the ending. Blade job was a nice touch, and him flailing around after getting up was pretty awesome. Going up the ramp and using the SD! backdrop was a great touch. Daivari has really grown on me, and I daresay he's my favorite manager right now. He fits the part perfectly as a heel manager. I think Khali's gotten a bad rap because he hasn't been allowed to do stuff that he can do, but not necessarily safely. They should open up and let him do his thing so long as they monitor and practice it enough so that he can't screw it up. I do wonder where they go from here with him though; after this performance I'm actually hoping he doesn't get kicked out. He showed a lot of promise aside from his performance the last few months. Very good back and forth tug-of-war matchup that ended beautifully. I'd give it ***1/2

Lashley-Finlay was pretty much cookie cutter from every match they've had, so there's not much to say in that department. It did get me wondering though whether they should give Lashley an Army gimmick to reflect his Sgt. experience. A second Sgt. Slaughter (Sgt. Bobby Lashley sounds pretty cool) if you will, with big aviator sunglasses and a wide-brimmed hat. It'd go over great with the pro-military crowd and bring back a great gimmick (imo). Match had good execution by both guys, Regal's role in all of this is a bit muddled though, they're not telling a great story with him. However, as with most of these matches involving Finlay-Lashley-Regal, the ending was immense. Spearing Finlay while he was holding Little Bastard (hope he didn't get hurt, poor guy ) was excellent. The most immense part though was obviously Lashley throwing a chair about 10 feet SMACK into Finlay's face. Totally brilliant execution. **1/2 match that converts to a *** because of what happened at the end.

Skipped through the Vito match. Seriously so tired with the shit gimmick. It's good to see that he's interacting with the crowd now though. And JBL's "DAMN DAMN DAMN DAMN DAMN" at the end was absolutely classic. Match only deserved a *1/2 though.


I'm sick of Rey-Chavo-Eddie's ghost-Eddie's money grubbing wife. I couldn't give a shit. I'm actually hating Rey and Chavo more now, and even starting to feel negative toward Eddie himself. The Teddy-Vickie segment was unbearable. It's the only thing that really got me annoyed about the show, besides Vito.

I really didn't dig the whole close up on MVP to see how he reacts thing after every match. The first time it was cool but after that it was just forced and stupid.

Kristal being a heel interviewer makes absolutely no sense to me. It's stupid and she does a horrible job of executing it. Idol/Stevens are useless, as I'm saying for the umpteenth time. When is Kash coming back

Batista-Booker showdown. I think they have a cool concept going in Batista being a demagogue of sorts to Booker's authoritarian monarchy. They should have rode with that. The foot-kissing thing was classic sports entertainment, something that we haven't seen in a while without becoming overly cliche`d and cheesy, but I think it was executed amazingly. And Batista putting on Booker's robe was AWESOME. Definitely a thumbs up for that segment.

Great show, hope it continues on this pace. Unfortunately, their lack of wrestlers is going to slow it down again when they have nobody to put into feuds. JBL is such an amazing color guy, it's like he was made for the role.