View Full Version : Original Punk/Cena Creative Plans Possible *SPOILER*

12-22-2010, 01:09 AM
Original creative plans called for the Cena/Punk angle that kicked off on last night's RAW to begin next month, but was bumped forward because the "Straight Edge" wrestler returns to action this weekend. The preliminary plan as of last night was that the feud would culminate at WrestleMania XXVII.

The term 'Vickie' was a trending worldwide topic Monday night during RAW.


12-22-2010, 02:49 AM
oh, so that's who is going to job to cena this year.

12-22-2010, 03:17 AM
^^ I was thinking the same. WWE are so stale and predictable when it comes to Cena. Put hin against anyone, and you know Cena will win in the end.

The ShowOff
12-22-2010, 03:21 AM
I'm hoping for a shocker and Punk gets the win. Yeah it wont happen but if it did I would mark out like crazy

12-22-2010, 03:26 AM
[Cena Hater]
Blah blah blah, Cena hate. Yadda yadda yadda, he'll win I'm certain. Et cetera et cetera et cetera, I know fuckall about wrestling.
[/Cena Hater]

12-22-2010, 04:11 AM
Of course Cena will win in the end...just like Bruno Sammartino, Hulk Hogan, Steve Austin and the Rock did when THEY were the face of the company. You people act like this is something new.

The ShowOff
12-22-2010, 11:20 AM
No thats the point its not new its the same crap over and over and over at each Wrestlemania. It makes it where its not fun sometimes when you know who's going to win. They need to throw a few Cena loses at Wrestlemania so you never know what will happen. Only person who should keep winning there is Undertaker.

12-22-2010, 04:05 PM
My point is, I guarantee no one was saying this about Austin or the Rock, despite the fact they did the exact same thing. Why? Because they weren't hated on forums like this one the way Cena is.

The ShowOff
12-22-2010, 04:44 PM
Because they were not always unstoppable machines. Back then you had many top stars and you didn't have one person always beating the odds or not selling worth a crap i.e Cena being up after two chair shots.

12-22-2010, 06:24 PM
of course cena will win in the end...just like bruno sammartino, hulk hogan, steve austin and the rock did when they were the face of the company. You people act like this is something new.


12-22-2010, 06:43 PM
Who cares if Cena wins in the end? I guarentee Punk will bring something good to this feud. This will probably be the most entertaining feud Cena has had in years.

12-22-2010, 06:49 PM
Because they were not always unstoppable machines. Back then you had many top stars and you didn't have one person always beating the odds or not selling worth a crap i.e Cena being up after two chair shots.

Wait a minute, have you ever actually SEEN Hulk Hogan wrestle? His whole WWF career was based on being an unstoppable force. And as for one person 'beating the odds', did you not ever see any of Steve Austin's time in the WWE? He spent several YEARS doing nothing but beating up McMahon and an army of wrestlers, cops & security guards Vince 'hired' to get rid of him.

Finally, Cena is like a 9-time WWE Champion. That tells me he's been beaten plenty in title matches. Look, I'm no Cena mark but saying the WWE is doing anything differently with him than they've done with their other "faces of the franchise" is silly.

12-22-2010, 06:51 PM
mikedudelang is my new favorite poster.

12-22-2010, 07:00 PM
mikedudelang is my new favorite poster.

Much appreciated. Look, I agree that much of what the WWE does is stale and boring. Sadly, that's just the way it is right now. Not a single bit of it is Cena's fault. That dude keeps a ridiculous schedule and does a damn good job as the face of the WWE.

Fine, he's not the best 'wrestler' ever. Guess what, neither was Hogan or Austin. 'Wrestling' isn't what gets you in the main event at Wrestlemania, star power and charisma do. Love it or hate it, that's how it is.

12-22-2010, 07:05 PM
Once Cena leaves I promise you, you guys will want him back just like you want Dwayne and Austin back. Maybe he will be Hogan, and no one wants to see him in any company who knows, all I'm saying is if you don't like it turn the channel and stop watching there's enough of them to pick what and you want to watch and when. Maybe Punk will be the new face him and Cena who knows no one does, not even WWE I bet. They just don't pick someone they go through their time of jobbing to the face and move up. Both of them are really entertaining. Although, Cena needs to be refreshing up with a Heel gimmick I think make someone else the face, and someone else the heel of the company. Who knows.

12-22-2010, 07:17 PM
Much appreciated.

I say that mainly because, unlike most people on here, you actually get it. The hate for Cena is so dumbfounded and hasn't been original since 2006. Most people are like sheep to a flock just following what the crowd does with no real reason as to why. Like you, I am no Cena mark, but I at least can accept him for what he is. The face of the company, WWE's workhorse, and a damn good one at that.

12-23-2010, 11:27 PM
I dont mind Cena tbh he's doing alot to entertain us like him or not.

12-24-2010, 12:15 AM
My point is, I guarantee no one was saying this about Austin or the Rock, despite the fact they did the exact same thing. Why? Because they weren't hated on forums like this one the way Cena is.

The difference is, and it's a big factor in why there's seemingly this whole Pro and Anti Cena divide is because when Rock and Austin were at the top they were both there, along with HHH as the big stars of the company. Sure you had Taker, Mankind etc and latterly Angle and Jericho getting a shot now and then but it was those 3 that were the nearly untouchable ones.

The key though is that there were 3 of them. Meaning they'd often face each other. They therefore had to lose at times in big matches.

Orton is getting there but currently and for the last few years seemingly it's just been John Cena who is the untouchable one.

Most wrestling fans realise by the time they hit puberty a big chunk of how the business works is by having solidly built up characters for effective hero worship and that's how the company survives and thrives.

The problem is when there is only the one of them, it gets frustrating more than anything else. It happened with HHH in 2002/2003 the same way it is for Cena now. Just the one effective "golden boy" and it will grate on some people at times.

12-24-2010, 12:25 AM
The difference is, and it's a big factor in why there's seemingly this whole Pro and Anti Cena divide is because when Rock and Austin were at the top they were both there, along with HHH as the big stars of the company. Sure you had Taker, Mankind etc and latterly Angle and Jericho getting a shot now and then but it was those 3 that were the nearly untouchable ones.

The key though is that there were 3 of them. Meaning they'd often face each other. They therefore had to lose at times in big matches.

Orton is getting there but currently and for the last few years seemingly it's just been John Cena who is the untouchable one.

Most wrestling fans realise by the time they hit puberty a big chunk of how the business works is by having solidly built up characters for effective hero worship and that's how the company survives and thrives.

The problem is when there is only the one of them, it gets frustrating more than anything else. It happened with HHH in 2002/2003 the same way it is for Cena now. Just the one effective "golden boy" and it will grate on some people at times.

I see where you're coming from but I still go back to the fact that Cena is a 9-time WWE Champion and a 3-time World Champion, meaning he's lost plenty of times in huge matches. Cena haters act like he wins ALL THE TIME and history shows that's simply not true.

12-24-2010, 12:34 AM
I see where you're coming from but I still go back to the fact that Cena is a 9-time WWE Champion and a 3-time World Champion, meaning he's lost plenty of times in huge matches. Cena haters act like he wins ALL THE TIME and history shows that's simply not true.

I haven't seen them all so can't say on Cena specifically but I know back during the HHH run it was because he kept cheating to win that fucked most people who were annoyed off.

Different scenario granted but how many of Cenas losses were clean?

Not trying to be an anti Cena post btw nor a pro one just playing a bit of devils advocate :)

I expect not very many of the losses were clean but if so that does add back to you're comparison with Rock/Austin etc in that VERY rarely will the heavy fan favourite top line guy loses cleanly so it's not just Cena.

HHH had the Sledgehammer though, Cena has the fairly basic moveset which seems a big factor in peoples disdain.

12-24-2010, 12:54 AM
Yeah, that's just pro wrestling. The heels never beat the super face clean. Hogan didn't lose clean, Austin didn't lose clean (when he was a face), Rock didn't lose clean (when he was a face). The face of the franchise never loses clean, that's the WWE way. It's always because of outside interference, foreign object, screw job, etc.

The ShowOff
12-24-2010, 03:46 PM
Wait a minute, have you ever actually SEEN Hulk Hogan wrestle? His whole WWF career was based on being an unstoppable force. And as for one person 'beating the odds', did you not ever see any of Steve Austin's time in the WWE? He spent several YEARS doing nothing but beating up McMahon and an army of wrestlers, cops & security guards Vince 'hired' to get rid of him.

Finally, Cena is like a 9-time WWE Champion. That tells me he's been beaten plenty in title matches. Look, I'm no Cena mark but saying the WWE is doing anything differently with him than they've done with their other "faces of the franchise" is silly.

I don't get it you didn't agree here but when the dude said about the same thing you did wth xD. I was saying the same thing he said about when Austin and Rock was around there was more then one big guy more then one top star so it wasn't how it is now where all you got is Cena running wild on everyone. So he's right I'm wrong when we said the same thing okay that makes perfect sense..NOT...and when Hogan was big big I was small and or not born yet. :/ His run in WCW I saw with the NWO but much before that I don't remember as I was like i said small or not born. But I know about it doesn't mean I agree with it. I never liked Hogan or cared for Hogan expect for in the nWo. He couldn't wrestle worth a crap and other wrestlers have said that. Entertainer yes very great one wrestler no.

12-24-2010, 04:24 PM
Actually it helps and is a compliment to the guy that get's to feud with Cena because it means WWE thinks that you've got it and can hang there with Cena so it's like a test and win or not could boost them higher.

12-25-2010, 02:04 AM
I don't get it you didn't agree here but when the dude said about the same thing you did wth xD. I was saying the same thing he said about when Austin and Rock was around there was more then one big guy more then one top star so it wasn't how it is now where all you got is Cena running wild on everyone. So he's right I'm wrong when we said the same thing okay that makes perfect sense..NOT...and when Hogan was big big I was small and or not born yet. :/ His run in WCW I saw with the NWO but much before that I don't remember as I was like i said small or not born. But I know about it doesn't mean I agree with it. I never liked Hogan or cared for Hogan expect for in the nWo. He couldn't wrestle worth a crap and other wrestlers have said that. Entertainer yes very great one wrestler no.

No, I'm simply arguing both point independent of one another. I don't think you understand where I'm coming from here. You, along with a few other folks say that Cena is "unstoppable" and that he wins all the time. Okay, so just look at from a few angles:

- If this is true, how is he a 12-time Champion? That means he's lost 12 title title matches, not including the times he's lost when he wasn't champion. The fact that he's won the belt so many times should tell you Cena isn't an "unstoppable force."

- However, if that argument doesn't win you over, I can go the other direction as well by simply saying, YES, HE'S UPSTOPPABLE...just like Hogan, Austin, Rock. And yes, just like Hogan, Austin and Rock, he's gonna hold the belt a lot and he's gonna win most of the premier matches because HE'S THE FACE OF THE COMPANY.

Look, you can dislike Cena all you want, that's your choice. Hell, I think his bit gets old too. But to say the WWE does anything differently with him than they ever did with any of their other SUPER FACES is just flat incorrect.