View Full Version : JR Blogs: Vickie Guerrero, Punk's Future and Michaels' Return

12-24-2010, 12:03 AM
WWE Hall of Famer Jim Ross updated the blog section of JRsbarbq.com. The following are highlights:

Vickie Guerrero Fat Jokes: "The volume of emails and Tweets that we have received regarding the 'fat jokes' directed toward Vickie Guerrero this week on WWE TV has been staggering. Not all were negative as many fans enjoyed the segments in question and called them 'laugh out loud funny.' Other, however, have expressed displeasure and some have provided us with some extreme analogies. One emailer scolded me as if he knew me because I said that the segment did not offend me and that it reminded me of a 'TV Roast' and it was the 'good guys' having fun with the villain (Vickie G.) The live audience loved the segment or so it seemed to me by what I was hearing and seeing."

CM Punk's Future: "CM Punk has natural abilities at the announce table and is the most refreshing new broadcaster to come along in WWE or the biz in general in a long time. Again, I am looking forward to his budding rivalry with John Cena in the upcoming weeks. I can only assume that Punk will focus on wrestling and not announcing but I can also see how he could do both, at least occasionally, on Raw."

A Possible Shawn Michels Return: "Some have asked about the You Tube video Shawn Michaels recorded this week regarding his arrangement with WWE. I am not privy to that info but I still firmly stand by the fact that I do not see HBK ever wrestling again but he can be a magnificent asset to WWE in a litany of other areas. I also don't see Shawn becoming a weekly character on a TV show."


12-24-2010, 12:38 AM
Punk could work for Wwe for the rest of his life after he retires from in-ring stuff. His commentary is gold.

12-24-2010, 02:06 AM
Lol yes he's multi talented :D.

12-24-2010, 02:15 AM
Yeah, I love Cm Punk as a color-commentator :)

12-25-2010, 01:44 AM
Punk's commentary has single-handedly brought me back to RAW. Before they gave him an open forum to sort of just riff, I'd usually just record RAW and watch maybe half of it. Now, thanks to never really knowing what he's gonna say next, they've got me watching the show live once again.

Jon Power
12-25-2010, 12:12 PM
Punk should retire from in-ring competition and just commentate, he's way better behind the booth than in the ring.