View Full Version : WWE House Show Results from MSG December 26th, 2010

12-27-2010, 01:46 PM
World Wrestling Entertainment kicked off the Raw side of their holiday week house shows with a 12/26 return to Madison Square Garden. Unfortunately for the company, it also fell in the midst of a major blizzard in the area, which left the crowd somewhere in the area of 12,000-14,000 fans. About two thirds of the venue was full, but you could see scattered empty seats everywhere and lots of sections having chunks of seats available.

*Zach Ryder won a 12 Man "Big Apple" Battle Royal to earn a title shot against United States champion Daniel Bryan later tonight. Alex Riley wore a Miami Heat jersey to get heat. Huge "Santino' chant early as everyone fought. In the end, Nexus teamed to work over Marella and after several hope spots, they knocked him to the floor. It came down to Nexus vs. Henry as Ryder hid outside the ring. Henry tossed Michael McGuillicuty and Ryder returned to shove Henry and Otunga over as they battled. Ryder cut a quick promo saying he was going to win the title tonight. Pretty standard stuff but denying us Regal vs. Bryan is criminal!

Order of elimination was Darren Young, Primo, Vladimir Kozlov, Yoshi Tatsu, Alex Riley, DH Smith, William Regal, Santino Marella, Michael McGuillicuty, Mark Henry and David Otunga.

We received an email from the Raw General Manager as Michael Cole came out to relay it. Merry Christmas from WWE folks! Cole announced a card change with John Cena vs. Wade Barrett in a steel cage and WWE champion The Miz vs. Randy Orton. It was supposed to be a Four Way bout for the WWE title. Cole then received another email asking everyone to welcome tonight's guest host, Michael Cole. Gail Kim was advertised as the guest host the week of the show.

*Tyson Kidd pinned DH Smith in a battle of the former Hart Dynasty. Smith cleaned house early and Kidd retreated to the floor, stalling. Smith continued working over Kidd in the corner and clotheslined him over the top to the floor. Smith followed Kidd up the aisle and worked him over, then pressed Kidd up and tossed him back into the ring. Smith missed a charge in the corner and was nailed with a kick to the back of the heat. Kidd used his boot to choke Smith, then suplexed him over for a two count. Kidd locked in a side chinlock. He nailed Smith with a dropkick while rebounding off the ropes for a two count. Smith moubted a comeback with a series of clotheslines. He held up Kidd for a delayed vertical suplex for a two count. He went for the Sharpshooter but Kidd made it to the ropes before Smith could turn it. Kidd caught Smith low and locked in a Sharpshooter of his own. Smith fought to get to the ropes and made it. Kidd missed a guillotine legdrop across the apron. Ouch! Kidd nailed a springboard dive into a pinfall but Smith reversed it for a two count. Kidd caught him from behind and rolled him up and hooked the tights for the pin. Solid. Smith got a nice ovation on the way out.

Eve Torres came out, dressed like a sexy Santa and asked a child a trivia question to be the next bell ringer. The question was the title of the next PPV.

*The Bellas defeated Melina and Maryse in a Santa's Helpers Match. All four started shoving each other before the bell. The Bellas doubled up on Maryse. One of the Bellas chased Maryse around the ring but was cut off as they returned. Melina tagged in and dropped a leg for a two count. She slammed her face-first into the mat. Melina tagged back out and Maryse locked in a chinlock. The Bella tried to make a comeback but Maryse forced her back to the mat. Maryse then knocked the other Bella off the apron to prevent a tag. Melina tagged in and tried to do the Matrix to avoid a Bella but slipped. There was, in theory, a hot tag. All four battled. A Bella finally caught Melina with a facebuster for the pin. They tried but at times, this wasn't pretty.

*WWE Tag Team champions Santino Marella and Vladimir Kozlov defeated The Nexus, Justin Gabriel and Husky Harris. Nexus got a huge heel reaction coming out. Another email just as they were about to faceoff. The General Manager demanded a dance off. The Fans chanted, "What?" The champs danced and the Nexus attacked them from behind. Fans were all over the Nexus. Gabriel choked out Santino. Santino caught him with a rollup for a two. Gabriel regained control and tagged Harris in. Harris caught him with a nice looking lariat. Harris locked in a side chinlock. Marella escaped and tagged in Kozlov. Kozlov tackled Harris, who rolled out of the ring. Harris came back to slam Kozlov then tagged Gabriel, who hit a slingshot senton into the ring. Gabriel cinched on an armbar but Kozlov fought his way out. The Nexus worked over Kozlov with stomps. Gabriel came off the ropes with a kick. Gabriel cinched in a front facelock. Kozlov tried to fight his way to a tag but the Nexus worked him over and dragged him back to their corner. Harris nailed him a running splash in the corner. Gabriel came off the top with a stomp on Gabriel. Kozlov finally backdropped Gabriel and made the hot tag to Santino. Marella nailed a stunner on Gabriel. He covered Gabriel. Harris tried to break it up but Santino moved. Kozlov knocks Harris out of the ring. Santino nailed the cobra and scored the pin. Good match with a lot more wrestling than usual from the champs and very little comedy after the dancing. Big pop for the win.

Roddy Piper came out to a big pop for Piper's Pit. Big chant for Piper when he hit the ring. Piper said no amount of snow was going to keep him from the Garden. He said he's fought giants, midgets and once dated Moolah, so he's a tough man. He wished everyone a Merry Christmas and said he's amazed that they even still let him back in the doors. Piper said that last time we saw him, he told John Cena to do the right thing and Cena did so Piper is proud of him. Piper started talking about the 50 Greatest Superstars of All Time and bragged he was higher than Hulk Hogan on the list, landing at number 10. He began recounting some of the places some of the other top ten Superstars placed. Piper then introduced Tito Santana, noting he wasn't in the top 50. No real reaction for Tito. Sgt. Slaughter was supposed to be in this spot but since he was unable to fly in due to the blizzard, they called Santana, who lives in New Jersey. Piper put over Tito for his toughness. Tito said that he doesn't see his picture on the DVD but he'd think he'd find himself on the DVD. Piper told Santana that he has that fiery Mexican temper. Piper said he doesn't remember wrestling Santana in the Garden. Santana said that they never wrestled in the Garden. Piper asked Santana who he thinks would have won if they had wrestled. Piper said that he knows who would have won. Piper said he beat Mr. T. Santana said that he beat Greg Valentine. Piper said that had they wrestled, Piper would have kicked his butt. The Raw GM emailed in saying this was the most boring Pit of all time. I can't argue that one. He insulted them and ordered them to leave the ring. Piper said that the GM should come out and make them. The GM said he has ordered two individuals to escort them from the ring. The Usos came to the ring and faced off with the legends. They tried to force them out of the ring but Tito tossed one out and Piper clotheslined the other out of the ring. The legends big farewell to the audience.

*WWE champion The Miz, with Alex Riley, pinned Randy Orton. Before the bout, Miz took the mic and ripped on the crowd boasting that he earned his WWE title. When the crowd tried to do his catch phrase, he cut everyone off and said that if you have something to say, raise your hand. He asked a kid at ringside if he had something to say but when the kid went to answer, responded that he didn't care what anyone had to say. Miz got tons of heel heat. Orton got a big reaction and kept control early, beating Miz up outside and in the ring. Orton slammed Miz into the railing and tossed him into the ring. Miz cut of Orton with a dropkick as he returned to the ring. Miz kicked Orton in the face and covered him for a two count. Orton cut off Miz with a clothesline and drilled him with the Garvin Stomp. Orton used the old Tully Blanchard catapult under the ropes on Miz. Miz regained control with a series of knees to the back and elbows to the face. Miz dragged Orton to the floor and slammed him into the stairs. Miz choked Orton against the ropes, then covered him for a two count. Orton rolled out to the floor, where Riley tried to attack him but Orton laid him out. Miz grabbed Orton and slammed him into the ringpost. He tossed Orton back in for a two count. There hadn't been a great deal of reaction until the post shot. The crowd began chanting that Miz sucks. Orton mounted a comeback but was cut off with a kick to the gut. The crowd began chanting for Orton. Orton began drilling Miz with a series of rights but was cut off with a back elbow for a two count. Miz went to the top rope but Orton cut him off and began drilling him with right hands. Orton went up for a superplex, which got a nice pop when he nailed it. Orton covered Miz for a two count. Orton and Miz battled back and forth with punches. Orton drilled Miz with a clothesline and a snap slam. Orton nailed his backbreaker for a two count. Orton went for a move but Riley jumped on the apron. Orton went after him, allowing Miz to kick him and nail a hangman's neckbreaker. Miz and Orton went back and forth with two counts. Orton drilled Miz with a beautiful standing dropkick, then nailed his hanging DDT. He teased the RKO but Riley got on the apron. Orton nailed him. Miz went for the Skull Crushing Finale but Orton shoved him off, nailing the ref. Miz caught Orton low and nailed the Skull Crushing Finale for the pin.

The Raw GM emailed, demanding the Miz to the locker room or face suspension. He then ordered Riley to face Randy Orton in a No Holds Barred Match right now. They started the match immediately...

*Randy Orton pinned Alex Riley. Orton attacked Riley and backdropped him several times. Riley came back but Orton cut him off and backdropped him again. Riley retreated to the floor, where Orton followed. Orton whipped him into the stairs and tossed him back in the ring. Orton motioned for the RKO and nailed it for the pin.

*WWE United States champion Daniel Bryan defeated Zach Ryder. Ryder blindsided Bryan at the bell and drilled him with a Facewash. He covered Bryan after a slam for a two count. He drilled Bryan with a neckbreaker for another two count. He went for another but Bryan reversed it and locked in the LeBell Lock for the submission. Short and sweet.

*John Morrison defeated Sheamus in a Street Fight.. Sheamus did mic work saying this was the city of Kings and said he ruled it. Morrison said it was the city of the Knicks and challenged for a Street Fight. Sheamus agreed. They battled back and forth and went to the floor. Sheamus slammed Morrison into the apron. He went to run Morrison into the ringpost but Morrison moved and shoved Sheamus into the the stairs. Sheamus came back to whip Morrison into the stairs and covered him for a two count. Sheamus began working over Morrison's arm in the corner. Morrison locked in an armbar. The crowd rallied Morrison but Sheamus maintained control. Morrison tricked Sheamus into charging him and ducked, sending him over the top to the floor. Morrison followed up Sheamus clotheslined his leg. Sheamus pulled a Singapore Cane out from under the ring and began nailing Morrison with it. Morrison rolled back out but the assault continued. Sheamus charged but Morrison nailed a drop toehold into the corner and nailed a dropkick from the center turnbuckle. They both went for the cane but Morrison got it first. Sheamus begged off but Morrison began nailing him, which the crowd loved. He drilled Sheamus in the head, taking him out. Morrison went to the top for Starship Pain but Sheamus got his knees up. Sheamus nailed an Uranage over the knee but Morrison kicked up. Sheamus missed the pump kick but caught Morrison with a clothesline for a two count. He went for the cane but threw it out of the ring. He went to the floor and retrieved a chair. Sheamus began using it to work over Morrison's arm. He called for the High Cross on the chair but Morrison escaped and went for a backslide. Morrison kicked Sheamus into the chair then hit a leg lariat on the sitting Sheamus for the pin. Slow but solid.

*John Cena defeated Wade Barrett in a Steel Cage Match. The Raw GM emailed to announce that if anyone from Nexus interfered, Barrett would be suspended. Huge pop for Cena's entrance. By far, the biggest reaction of the night. Barrett tried to run up the cage and escape immediately but Cena stopped him, rammed him into the buckles and suplexed him for a two count. Cena whipped Barrett into the corner but was caught with an elbow as he charged in. Barrett peppered him with punches. Barrett tried to throw Cena into the cage but Cena blocked it. Cena nailed a pumphandle slam for a two count. Cena tried to escape but Barrett cut him off and worked him over. Barett nailed Cena with a series of punches, then covered him for a two count. Barrett locked on a rear chinlock. Cena got to his feet but Barrett held on. Cena climbed up the corner but Barrett dropped down and elevated Cena on his shoulders for the Electric Chair for a two count. Barrett worked over Cen a with several elbows but Cena came back with a sideslam for a two count. Cena missed a charge in the corner and bounced off. Barrett tossed Cena facefirst into the cage for a two count. He tossed Cena into the cage and started to climb out. Barrett changed his mind and tossed Cena into the cage again. Cena caught up to him at the top of the cage. They battled on the top turnbuckle and Cena bulldogger Barrett into the ring for a two count. The crowd began rallying Cena. They exchanged punches in the center of the ring. Cena got the better of the exchange. They nailed each other with a double clothesline. Cena began crawling to the door but Barrett lapped him and made it out. Cena pulled him back in before he could reach the floor, but was kicked off and covered for a two count. Barrett tried to walk out but Cena attacked him. Barrett caught Cena with the Black Hole Slam for a two count. They jockeyed for position and Barrett was tossed into the cage. Cena collapsed, trying to regain his strength. Cena nailed several shouldeblocks and the five knuckle shuffle. Cena went for the Attitude Adjustmen. Barrett cut him off and sent him into the cage. The fans chanted for Cena to make the comeback and they got their wish. Cena caught Barrett, who was climbing the cage, with the Attitude Adjustment off the middle turnbuckle for the win. Decent.

Cena thanked the crowd for coming out and braving the blizzard. He then said he needed to talk to Vince McMahon about bringing another Wrestlemania to the Garden. Obviously, that got a big pop.

Overall, a very middle of the road show. There was a distinct lack of energy from the crowd due to the blizzard and it seemed like the company was trying to just get through the night as quickly as possible to get the crew out and to Albany for Raw tomorrow. Probably the least satisfying WWE card in the venue in some time, but given the circumstances and the environment, you have to grade them with a curve. It wasn't a terrible show, but certainly lacking the usual flair of a live card at the Garden.


12-27-2010, 01:49 PM
Notes: Vince McMahon was backstage, as was John Laurinaitis....As noted, the show was nowhere close to sold out live as the blizzard (an inch an hour coming down in NYC alone) likely killed walk up sales and even kept people who held tickets from attending. Sales were also light going into the show with the company offering discount tickets for a group of four seats together for the first time I can ever recall....Several Florida based talents, including Heath Slater, Alicia Fox, Sgt. Slaughter and Gail Kim were unable to fly in for the show....Ring announcer Justin Roberts must have arrived late as the first few segments were handled by another WWE staffer I couldn't identify...They were heavily pushing the Wrestlemania 27 date....Lots of videos running during intermission for Tribute for the Troops and the WWE NYC history set to the Alicia Keys/Jay Z song....They were selling signed copies of the John Cena Experience DVD for $20....WWE returns to the NYC area on 12/30 with a Smackdown house show at the IZOD Center headlined by Alberto Del Rio vs. Rey Mysterio and a Four Way Cage match with CM Punk, Kane and Big Show challenging World champion Edge....They announced a Raw house show for Saturday 3/19.