View Full Version : WWE House Show Results from Pittsburgh December 27th, 2010

12-28-2010, 04:46 AM
WWE Smackdown continued their holiday house show tour in Pittsburgh as they debuted in the Consol Energy Center. Quick Results saw:

*Kofi Kingston won a Battle Royal.

*NXT Season Three winner Kaitlyn appeared as the Guest Host, doing a trivia question.

*WWE developmental talent Mason Ryan pinned Chavo Guerrero.

*Beth Phoenix and Kelly Kelly defeated Layla El & NXT Season 3 competitor Naomi in a Santa's Little Helper match. Hornswoggle made an appearance during the bout.

*Drew McIntyre defeated Trent Baretta.

*Big Show and Rey Mysterio defeated Cody Rhodes and Alberto Del Rio after Show chokeslammed both at the same time and Rey came off Show's shoulders to pin Rhodes. A good match that seemed to finally get the crowd into the show.

*Chris Masters defeated Jack Swagger after reversing the ankle lock into a rollup.

*WWE Intercontinental champion Dolph Ziggler defeated Kofi Kingston.

*They announced a Raw taping for Monday 3/21 at the Consol Energy Center.

*World champion Edge defeated Kane in a Steel Cage Match.


Hello from the Steel City! I just got back from WWE's first show at the Consol Energy Center.

The entire floor section and most of the lower seating bowl was full, save for the section above the entranceway. The setup was interesting: unlike the old Civic Arena, the opening for the Zamboni is in the corner of the arena, rather than straight back from center ice. Thus, the aisle had a bend in it. I thought that was neat, giving the show an old-school feel. Almost the entire upper deck was curtained off, and the sections that were open didn't look like there were any people in them. I was lucky enough to be in the club section, five rows back from the floor.

Howard Finkel welcomed us to the show and talked about how excited WWE was to run its first show at the new arena. He then brought out Teddy Long, who announced that Alberto Del Rio and Cody Rhodes would wrestle Rey Mysterio and The Big Show, and Edge would be taking on Kane in a cage match. Long then got Finkel and the referee to boogie down with him.

Let's get this show started!

Kofi Kingston won a 12-man battle royal to earn a shot at the Intercontinental title. When Cody Rhodes entered the ring he did the Rick Rude "bump and grind." There was a chant for Kingston at one point, and cheering when Ezekiel Jackson starting clotheslining people.

Finkel then introduced Kaitlyn as our special hostess for the evening. She gave one fan the chance to be a guest bell ringer for knowing what WWE's next PPV is.

Mason Williams beat Chavo Guerrero. Williams was billed as being from Pittsburgh and got a "Let's Go Mason!" chant.

Kelly Kelly and Beth Phoenix beat Layla and Naomi in a "Santa's Little Helpers" match. When it was over Layla and Naomi attacked Kelly and Beth, until they were run off by Hornswoggle. The three then danced in the ring.

Drew McIntyre beat Trent Baretta

Rey Mysterio and The Big Show beat Cody Rhodes and Alberto Del Rio. Before the match Del Rio ripped up a fan's "Rey Mysterio Rocks" sign. We got a lot of bantering back and forth on the microphone, as Show said, "There's something I'd like to call you, but I can't because there are kids in the audience. Let's just say you look like the 'happiest' guy here!" Show then went for the cheap pop, reminding the heels that they were in the hometown of the Steelers (big pop) and the Penguins (MASSIVE pop). I actually called out "WHAT ABOUT THE PIRATES?" Show then sheepishly added "oh yeah, and the Pirates." That got a small "Let's Go Bucs" chant going.

Finkel and Kaitlyn shilled merchandise and threw t-shirts to the crowd as we went to intermission.

Chris Masters beat Jack Swagger by rolling through an attempted ankle lock into a pin.

Finkel shilled the Royal Rumble.

Dolph Ziggler beat Kofi Kingston. There was a big "Kofi!" chant and we got our second hip gyration of the evening courtesy of Ziggler.

Small break while they set the cage up.

Edge beat Kane by climbing over the cage. I've never seen so many flashbulbs go off as when those two made their entrances! After Edge won Kane threw him back into the ring and teased hitting him with the belt, only to be hit with a Spear.

After Kane left, Edge grabbed the mic and said that he wasn't the only champion in the building that night, pointing out Penguins winger Matt Cooke. Edge then said "I don't care what you guys do in the playoffs, just beat Ovechkin." That popped the crowd and Edge walked around shaking hands as people filed out.