View Full Version : WWE House Show Results from Wilkes Barre, PA December 27th, 2010

12-30-2010, 05:30 AM
Wilkes-Barre PA. House Show Report 12/28/2010:

This will just be a quick recap of the show as I remember it off the top of my head.

12 man over the top rope battle royal with the winner getting to face Daniel Bryan later in the night for the United States Championship. Your Standard battle royal with usual mid and under carders. It ended up being down to Mark Henry, Alex Riley, and 3 of Nexus. Riley had rolled under the bottom rope in the middle of the action and after Henry had eliminated the Nexus members Riley came in from behind and eliminated Henry. A short but good way to get the night started. So Alex Riley got to face Daniel Bryan later in the evening for the title.

Email from the Raw General Manager stating the original main event had been split. It was originally a 4-way cage match between Orton, Cena, Barrett, and The Miz for the title. It was now Randy Orton
vs. The Miz for the WWE Championship and in a separate steel cage match John Cena vs. Wade Barrett.

Tyson Kidd vs. DH Smith. Good match Kidd got the pin clean an I think Mike stated it on the site there is deffinatly a Shawn Michaels Diesel feel with Kidd and the new body guard. Smith got a good ovation on the way out.

Eve Torres was announced as the Special Guest Referee for The Bella Twins vs. Melina and Alicia Fox. A quick match all four girls worked hard, the Bellas got the win. The Bella twins are a fantasy come to reality.

WWE Tag Champions Vladimir Kozlov and Santino Marella vs. Nexus members Justin Gabriel and Husky Harris. Santino made the match with his antics and got the pin clean for his effort.

WWE Champion The Miz vs. Randy Orton for the WWE title. The Miz came out first and ripped on the crowd and got a good amount of heat and was over as a legit heal. Good match one thing that I have to say is just how skinny Orton is he really looks almost a little small, not so much against the Miz but against bigger guys. Alex Riley interfered to give the Miz the win in the middle of the ring. After the match he ate an RKO for his troubles to make the fans happy.

Daniel Bryan vs. Alex Riley for the United States Championship. An OK match I don’t think Riley can really hang with Bryan but he at least tried to keep up. Bryan scored the pin.

John Cena vs. Wade Barrett in a steel cage. Right before the match started the Raw Gm emailed and stated that if any member of Nexus interfered in the match Wade Barrett would be suspended. Good match both men worked hard especially to use the cage. Towards the end of the match their was a good spot with Cena giving Barrett a bulldog off the top rope. Near the end it was hard to tell what happened especially with them in a cage but during the usual course of action Cena landed wrong on his knee and they went home quick with him locking the cross face for submission. After the match Cena got on the mic and thanked everyone for coming and that if he was hurt he wasn’t being carried out of the ring, he then wished us a happy new year and holidays. He was putting no weight on the knee getting out of the ring.

Top pops of the night:
1. Cena was way over no boos at all
2. Orton was pretty over as well but not to the Cena level.

The Miz big time looked and acted like a legit bad guy champ.