View Full Version : WWE Superstars Report for December 30th, 2010

12-31-2010, 04:19 AM
We start off with the Raw brand and your announcers are Scott Stanford and Josh Mathews.

Match Number One: Darren Young and Yoshi Tatsu versus The Usos

Jey and Young start things off and they lock up. They continue the hold and go around the ring until they go to the floor. Young gets out of the way of the Usos on the floor and returns to the ring. Jey runs into a clothesline followed by a knee to the head. Young with a double sledge and elbow drop for a near fall. Young with a reverse chin lock and elbow to the neck. Young with a reverse chin lock. Jey with punches to get out of the hold but Young with a punch and a flying forearm but he only gets a two count.

Yoshi tags in and he goes up top for a chop to the arm. Yoshi with a chop to Jey and he gets a near fall. Jey with a knee and he tags in Jimmy. Yoshi with a hip toss and Japanese arm drag followed by a crucifix for a near fall. Yoshi with a drop kick and he gets another near fall. Young tags back in and he kicks Jimmy. Young with an Irish whip but he runs into a boot. Jimmy with kicks and forearms before tagging in Jey. Jey with a diving head butt while Jimmy holds him.

Jey tags Jimmy back in and he punches and kicks Young. Jimmy with a kick to the chest and then he chokes Young. Jey tags in and he gets sent into Young in the corner and he gets a near fall. The referee warns Yoshi and tells him to get back into the corner. Jey with a reverse chin lock and Young sends Jey into the corner. Young with an overhead belly-to-belly throw and both men are down.

Jimmy and Yoshi tag in and Yoshi with chops and a drop kick followed by a back body drop. Yoshi wants Jimmy to get up and he connects with a series of kicks followed by the double knees in the corner and a spinning kick for a near fall. Jey sends Young to the floor but Young pulls Jey out. Jey sends Young into the turnbuckles. Yoshi goes up top and he kicks Jey, but Jimmy tosses Yoshi off the turnbuckles. Jimmy hits a splash from the top turnbuckle for the three count.

Winners: The Usos

It is time for an NXT Recap.

Match Number Two: David Hart Smith versus William Regal

They lock up and Regal works on the arm and wrist. Smith with a reversal and arm drag. Regal with a hammer lock and then he returns to the wrist. Smith with a bridge and take down on Regal. Regal with a side head lock and continues to work on the arm. Smith with a side head lock on Regal and key lock. Smith with another bridge but Regal with a knee to the chest and he gets a near fall. Regal tries to get Smith out of the bridge. Smith with a monkey flip and he floats over. Smith works on the legs and stretches his groin. Smith with a near fall and then he goes for an arm bar. Smith with a reverse chin lock and they return to their feet. Smith with a shoulder tackle and he gets a near fall. Smith with a European uppercut and punch to Regal followed by a drop kick and Regal goes to the floor.

Regal with a punch and European uppercut but Smith responds with a running shoulder tackle on the floor. We go to commercial.

We are back and we get the tail end of the delayed vertical suplex and he gets a near fall. Regal pulls Smith out and Regal kicks Smith’s leg against the ring post. Regal starts to work on the leg and he drops an elbow on the knee. Smith kicks Regal in the head to try to get Regal to release the hold but Regal returns to the leg and he focuses on the knee. Smith kicks Regal away and Smith with an inside cradle for a near fall.

Regal with a drop toe hold and then he puts Smith in a modified STF before focusing on the leg again. Regal with a knee drop to the back of Smith’s injured leg. Smith gets to his feet but Regal with a dragon screw leg whip. Regal with a European uppercut but Smith responds. Regal has Smith’s leg in the ropes and then Regal with a forearm when the referee was out of position. The referee checks on Smith’s knee and Regal continues to apply pressure to the leg.

Regal with forearms across the chest and then he takes Smith to the mat again and Regal with a single leg crab and Smith tries to summon enough strength so he does not tap out. Regal releases the hold and he kicks Smith in the back of the leg again. Regal puts Smith’s leg in the ropes again and Regal with knees to the thigh. Smith with a kick and forearms. Regal with a punch to the midsection and Regal tries for a butterfly suplex but Smith is able to get Regal up and hits a back body drop and both men are down. Regal and Smith exchange European uppercuts and Smith with forearms and a clothesline followed by a back body drop. Smith with a Northern Lights suplex but he could not get a cover. Regal clips Smith’s leg and then hits the running knee to the head for the three count.

Winner: William Regal

We go to commercial.

We are back and it is time for the Smackdown half of the show and your announcers are Matt Striker and Jack Korpela.

Since it is the Smackdown half, it is time for the Raw Rebound.

Match Number Three: Chris Masters versus Tyler Reks

They lock up and go to a deadlock. They lock up again and they go around the ring until they break the hold. They lock up again and Masters with a waist lock and Reks with elbows to get out of the hold. Reks tries for a slam and Masters escapes and he chops Reks and hits a side head lock take down on Reks. Reks with shoulders in the corner followed by a kick and elbow to the back of the head. Reks with a side head lock take down. Masters gets out of the hold but Reks with a knee followed by a punch. Masters with a flying shoulder tackle and a reverse atomic drop. Masters clotheslines Reks over the top rope to the floor. Masters goes to the floor and he punches and chops Reks.

They fight on the apron and Masters puts Reks in the Master Lock while they are on the apron. Reks gets out of the hold and drops Masters’ arm on the top rope and he goes to the floor in pain.

We go to commercial.

We are back and we see footage of Masters using the ring post to work on the arm. Back to the action and Reks with a top wrist lock. Masters with punches but Reks with a clothesline and he gets a near fall. Reks with elbow drops to the chest and then he drops a knee on the arm. Reks with elbows to the injured arm and then he kicks Masters in the arm.

Reks ties Masters’ arm in the rope and then he connects with a knee to the back. Masters chops Reks with his good arm but Reks with a knee and slam to Masters. Reks with a knee drop and he gets a near fall. Reks returns to the key lock but Masters with punches to Reks to get out of the hold.

Reks with a boot to the head and then he puts Masters in a hammer lock and slams Masters on the arm. Reks with a knee to the back followed by a knee drop to the arm and he returns to a key lock. The referee has to hold Reks back and then Reks sends Masters’ arm into the ring post. Masters pulls Reks into the ring post. Masters with a kick to Reks and then he sends Reks into the ringside barrier. Masters sends Reks back into the ring and Masters with a Samoan drop and he gets a near fall.

Masters with a one arm spinebuster and then he tries to signal for the Master Lock but his arm still hurts. Masters cannot lock in the Master Lock. Reks tries for a neck breaker but Masters counters with a back slide for a near fall. Masters with a kick but Reks with a clothesline for a near fall. Reks with a series of elbow drops and punches to Masters. Reks looks frustrated and then he sets for a power bomb but Masters with a back body drop. Masters with a running shoulder into the corner followed by a punch. Masters runs into the turnbuckles and then Reks hits the Burning Hammer and gets the three count.

Winner: Tyler Reks