View Full Version : ESRB ironically rates Bulletstorm 'Mature,' tries to summarize game

01-04-2011, 01:32 AM
If you're not sure whether Bulletstorm exists to mock a 15-year-old's view of masculinity, or to celebrate it, the ESRB's rating summary isn't going to deliver any answers. The ESRB puts on a straight face as it describes Bulletstorm's inclusion of "Intoxicated Skillshots," references to "sexual acts, venereal diseases, and having sex with one's mother" and skillshots infused with sexual innuendo (e.g., Gag Reflex, Rear Entry, Drilldo, Mile High Club). The ratings board makes special note of one skillshot, "Fire in the Hole," which involves shooting at enemies' "exposed buttocks." Yummy!


This game is hyped to be sum hilarious sheet tbh...