View Full Version : Daniel Bryan Talks Feuding With Punk, Wrestling Cena and More

01-06-2011, 03:18 PM
Slam Wrestling has an article up with WWE United States Champion Daniel Bryan. Here are some of the highlights:

His match against John Cena years ago on WWE Velocity:
"It hasn't been brought up between the two of us, I haven't seen it in years. The match was almost scrapped. That was the night he was going to come out in an interview and do something with Brock Lesnar. He was doing this major, main event thing, so they (WWE's bookers) were saying, 'We don't want him in this Velocity match with an independent guy.' I thought it was a good match and it gets me excited because I know we both progressed in our careers and if we ever got to wrestle again it would be really good."

His move Cattle Mutilation:
"I didn't really believe the Cattle Mutilation would get over with the WWE Universe, and the reason why is because it's such a TV-oriented product. There are a lot of downfalls to it. (In the Cattle Mutilation) you can't see the other guy's face, and on top of that, it's very difficult to do it to big guys; I don't have long arms. For example Ezekiel Jackson -- he's an enormous guy -- there's no way I'd be able to hook my arms through his arms like that. It was more me -- no one mentioned anything to me about it. I'll occasionally throw the Cattle Mutilation out there in places where I think there's more of the independent fanbase, just as a tribute to them because they're the people who got me to where I am today."

Who he would like to feud with:
"CM Punk moved over to the Raw brand, so I'm actually hoping that me and him get to feud a little bit. We got to wrestle in the independents and we had some really good matches and I think the WWE Universe would be really excited about it."

"I'd love to wrestle Tyson Kidd. We tag teamed in New Japan Pro Wrestling back in 2003 and I think we even did a singles match in Budokan Hall in Japan."


01-06-2011, 06:15 PM
Bryan vs Kidd in a feud over the US title would be good although it depends if they were allowed to go at it or whether Jackson Andrews would get involved early on.

01-07-2011, 02:52 AM
Slam Wrestling is featuring an interview with WWE U.S. champion Daniel Bryan discussing his return to the company after being released earlier in the summer.

"When they called me to bring me back, John Laurenitis, the head of talent relations, was adamant that I try to keep as many of my independent bookings as I could. That kind of took me by surprise. It was really cool because I owe a lot to my independent fans and the promoters who booked me, so it was really cool for them to react that way."


The Mac
01-07-2011, 02:59 AM
thats not nothing new thought usually when they hire someone vince always tells them to finish there bookings up...wether its cuz he respects the commitment or just doesnt want to be sued

01-07-2011, 03:15 AM
Bryan vs Kidd in a feud over the US title would be good although it depends if they were allowed to go at it or whether Jackson Andrews would get involved early on.

Very true. I'd love to them in the ring together.

Kenpachi Zaraki
01-07-2011, 07:34 AM
Bryan vs Kidd in a feud over the US title would be good although it depends if they were allowed to go at it or whether Jackson Andrews would get involved early on.

nah Kidd ain't going anywhere he's gonna be used to establish Andrews that's all. Daniel Bryan still needs to work with some of the guys that are more over him and Kidd won't draw

01-07-2011, 08:50 AM
want to see punk back in action

01-08-2011, 03:57 AM
nah Kidd ain't going anywhere he's gonna be used to establish Andrews that's all. Daniel Bryan still needs to work with some of the guys that are more over him and Kidd won't draw

Kidd potentially could have a year similar to Ziggler had in 2010 if booked right and given the opportunity.

How can you expect him to draw if he's never given the opportunity to?

01-08-2011, 06:55 AM
atleast Bryan knows his place like he could have a great fued with Punk at some stage cause punk is similar to chris jericho in a way he can be in the world title hunt or fued with people like john cena and then a month later be in the intercontinental title hunt he plays the mid to main event card really well. But I dont think Daniel bryan vs Cena could ever get over unless cena turned heel even then it would only been on RAW and I dont see Cena turning heel.

01-08-2011, 07:43 AM
I'd like to know what happened to his run with ted dibiase, It looked like they were going to fued for the belt and then stopped.

01-08-2011, 09:03 AM
yeah but dibiase is another one who is fastly becoming a nobody he actually has alot of talent they should bring back the cruiserweight title