View Full Version : JR Blogs: Jack Swagger, Lesnar and More

01-07-2011, 09:48 PM
Jim Ross posted his latest blog entry. Here are some tidbits. As always, we encourage you to read the whole thing at his site.

About Jack Swagger: "WWE is taping Smackdown in Tulsa at the new, tricked out BOK Center on Tuesday January 18. I did some media for the event Thursday. Lots of Jack Swagger talk during the interview. I hope that Swagger has a big 2011 and feel that he is a long way away from his peak or approaching his potential. The former Sooner is a superb, natural athlete. The writer also asked me about the soon to be available OU Sooner Football radio gig of which is still on my 'dream job' list but as I have mentioned before I think it's a long shot for me."

His plans this week: "Yours truly will be headed to FCW next week to meet with and observe WWE rookies. This is one of my favorite trips to make these days as the future of WWE largely rests in the developmental program where the evolution of developing new stars begins in earnest."

I liked this one: "A Twitter follower asked me if I started in wrestling today who would I study to develop my game as a broadcaster. It would be Gordon Solie, Lance Russell, Bob Caudle, Bill Watts, Vince McMahon, and Gorilla Monsoon for starters. Each had their own, natural style and none of them, more often than not, portrayed the role of a wrestling announcer and none of the aforementioned sought to be the 'hip, ESPN Sports Center-type' and strive to be glib and cool and come off as disingenuous."

And finally, Brock Lesnar: Brock Lesnar....his new book about his life and times that's co-written with Paul Heyman is due out April 19. It will be interesting to see how many book signings the intensely private Lesnar does but as the old saying goes, "A signed book is a sold book." Most MMA insiders think that Lesnar will next fight in July for UFC. With Lesnar off the radar and with nothing currently, publically established for his return, many die hard MMA fanatics seemingly have used that opportunity and Lesnar losing the UFC Heavyweight Title to start 'hating on' Brock again. Amazing. Lesnar will never fully live down his time in WWE to many MMA purists.

That last line is why I don't see UFC management letting Brock do anything with WWE. They have to protect their asset.