View Full Version : WWE Smackdown Results January 8th, 2011 from Lexington, NY

01-09-2011, 05:21 AM
Live from The Rupp Arena, with about 5,000 in attendance.

Tony Chimmel greets us. R Truth comes out. His opponent is Alberto Del Rio, who cuts a heel promo. Truth gets the win with an Axe Kick. Del Rio attacked Truth after the match and locked on the armbreaker.

Percy Watson beat Chavo Guerrero in a fun match. The best part was Chavo jawing with the ringside fans.

Rosa Mendes was introduced as the guest host. They did a contest to see who would be the guest bell ringer. A kid answered a question correctly and got the spot.

Ezekiel Jackson squashed Tyler Reks.

Cody Rhodes beat Chris Masters with The Cross Rhodes.

Drew McIntyre beat JTG.

Kofi Kingston successfully defended his Intercontinental Title by beating Dolph Ziggler in a very good match.

Chimmel and Mendes threw out shirts to the crowd.

Natalya defended her Divas Title by beating Layla. Natalya was selling the knee after Layla attacked it post-match and Beth Phoenix made the save.

Wade Barrett vs. Big Show was next. While Show's music was playing and he was walking to the ring, Barrett attacked him in the aisle. Barrett cut a promo and the match began. Show won with the KO punch.

In the main event, Edge beat Kane in a streetfight with The Spear. Awesome match. Afterwards, Edge went around ringside and shook fans' hands.