View Full Version : Kurt Angle Update: Backstage Heat In ECW, Injuries, & More

08-23-2006, 01:01 PM
Source: PWInsider

Despite him pushing to get back in the ring, Kurt Angle was pulled from last night’s ECW show. The plan was to put him in an easy squash match, but after being examined before the show there was no way they would let him in the ring. They told him that they would not allow him in the ring to put pressure on his groin injury and possibly worsen it.

Angle was pushing that he still wanted to be on TV and still wanted to work, which rubbed some people the wrong way. Angle has been doing a lot of things to push himself on TV over everyone else, which is definitely getting him some heat. Some feel that he is only out for himself right now, while others are trying to build the new ECW brand before building themselves.

However, some people do sympathize with Angle’s situation. They argue that Angle, who never wants to admit that he is hurting, is just looking out for himself and making sure that he can make the most of his career while it lasts. Angle has always gone with whatever the writers threw at him, such as the old Steve Austin/cowboy hat storylines, and now he is possibly trying to take one last serious shot at being on top.

The feeling within WWE is that Angle’s years of putting off major surgery and working through serious injuries are definitely going to shorten his career, and nobody really knows how much more time in the ring he has left.

08-24-2006, 04:16 PM
I actually don't think Kurt has that much time left have thought that for awile now. I don't blame the guy for looking out for himself, he's near the end of his career and wants to get the most out of it. I hope he can wrestle alittle while longer thou he can put on great matches.

08-25-2006, 05:51 PM
I agree with corey.. Angle's career is near over.. or maybe for now (perhaps like hbk, he finishes and returns after a few years). Angle should've gone through with the surgery. damn him for wanting to wrestle.