View Full Version : Funny Swearing On NXT Note

01-12-2011, 09:54 PM
A funny note that I thought I'd pass along occurred on NXT last night.. During a contest, Byran Saxton had to tell, his pro, Dolph Ziggler who was on the card.. He began to sing the theme song (Of the guy: Mark Henry) and he went "Somebody's gonna get his a... butt whooped". A funny note, and I love how WWE hasn't edited his theme yet.

Source - John.

The Mac
01-12-2011, 09:55 PM
just ass dude lol

Black Widow
01-12-2011, 09:57 PM
:shifty: yeah it only said ass its not a swear

The Mac
01-12-2011, 10:07 PM
if it was Somebody's gonna get his mother fucking ass kicked bitch... then id say it was a funny swearing note lol