View Full Version : *UPDATED* CM Punk Being Bitched Slapped by a Naughty Little Child

01-17-2011, 02:53 PM
Reader John sent in word that at the WWE Raw house show event tonight in Shreveport, Louisiana, a young fan got into an altercation with CM Punk and punched him the face. Punk's eye was reportedly bloodied, and the fan as well as the group he was with were thrown out of the building.




It was reported here that CM Punk got into an altercation with a fan at Sunday's WWE super show event from Shreveport, Louisiana. A few fans who were at the show have sent in recaps of what went down and there are new details to report. Following his match, CM Punk got in the faces of several fans at ringside, including a few young children. Punk told one of the kids, said to be around 10 years old, to slap him. The fan slapped Punk, who told the fan to slap him again. The fan complied, when Punk allegedly grabbed the child by the shirt and told him to do it again. The child began to cry and his parents began yelling at CM Punk. Punk was heard yelling that the child scratched his eye during the provoked attack.


Below is a detailed account from a fan who attended last night's WWE live event in Shreveport, Louisiana, in which CM Punk was allegedly assaulted by a fan...

"As C.M. Punk was exiting (following his match against Mark Henry), he was shouting at numerous fans at ringside. He approached a family with two small children and began to do the same.

After some lengthy jawing back and forth, he screamed at one of the kids (age 10 or so) to slap him. The child did so. Punk laughed it off and shouted, 'Oh yea! Slap me again.' At this point, he grabbed the kid by the shirt, thus sending the kid into tears and stretching out his shirt.

This is when it got real serious. Punk and the child's parents had to be separated. As Punk walked off, I could hear him yelling, 'He scratched my eye,' which was evident by a little bit of swelling.

Security then escorted the family away for questioning. They also questioned a few of us at ringside and requested contact numbers.

It will be interesting to see if Punk shows any effects from this. I thought this was instigated by Punk, but with that being said, fans should never place their hands on a Superstar."


Go to Sleepin Child...Go to Sleepin.



According to a key WWE source at Monday Night Raw, a lot of backstage ribbing has been taking place today about new top heel CM Punk getting hit by a fan last night at a live event. According to our source, Punk is taking it all in stride, and is laughing louder than anyone else about the fact he got hit.

"Punk feels like if he's getting hit, he's doing his job!" our WWE source told us, "he says he only wishes it was caught on tape!"

source: WZ

Below is a cap I made from RAW this week. You can see the scratch on his right eye. :shifty:


01-17-2011, 02:58 PM
LMAO. CM Punk got bloodied by a kid lol. Punk rules!

01-17-2011, 03:03 PM

Thanx for sharing this with us Travis! :)

Kenpachi Zaraki
01-17-2011, 03:39 PM

Thanx for sharing this with us Travis! :)

Everybody knows ur not thanking him for sharing this :shifty:

01-17-2011, 07:23 PM
Punk is an amazing heel and he gets a ton of heat. I think that he definitely deserves the spot as Main Heel, and I don't think that he shouldn't be moved down to the mid-cards. He is a fantastic wrestler and I hope they continue to have Punk as a main eventer.

01-17-2011, 08:21 PM
I guarantee you, with Punk's appreciation for wrestling history, getting punched in the eye is a badge of honor for him.

01-17-2011, 08:55 PM
I guarantee you, with Punk's appreciation for wrestling history, getting punched in the eye is a badge of honor for him.

Lol, pretty much.

It's definitely the sign of a good heel. Back in the day all the heels had to watch their backs because people legit wanted to kill them and... it's good to see Punk bringing that back, lol. :P

01-18-2011, 12:41 AM
It was reported here that CM Punk got into an altercation with a fan at Sunday's WWE super show event from Shreveport, Louisiana. A few fans who were at the show have sent in recaps of what went down and there are new details to report. Following his match, CM Punk got in the faces of several fans at ringside, including a few young children. Punk told one of the kids, said to be around 10 years old, to slap him. The fan slapped Punk, who told the fan to slap him again. The fan complied, when Punk allegedly grabbed the child by the shirt and told him to do it again. The child began to cry and his parents began yelling at CM Punk. Punk was heard yelling that the child scratched his eye during the provoked attack.


Below is a detailed account from a fan who attended last night's WWE live event in Shreveport, Louisiana, in which CM Punk was allegedly assaulted by a fan...

"As C.M. Punk was exiting (following his match against Mark Henry), he was shouting at numerous fans at ringside. He approached a family with two small children and began to do the same.

After some lengthy jawing back and forth, he screamed at one of the kids (age 10 or so) to slap him. The child did so. Punk laughed it off and shouted, 'Oh yea! Slap me again.' At this point, he grabbed the kid by the shirt, thus sending the kid into tears and stretching out his shirt.

This is when it got real serious. Punk and the child's parents had to be separated. As Punk walked off, I could hear him yelling, 'He scratched my eye,' which was evident by a little bit of swelling.

Security then escorted the family away for questioning. They also questioned a few of us at ringside and requested contact numbers.

It will be interesting to see if Punk shows any effects from this. I thought this was instigated by Punk, but with that being said, fans should never place their hands on a Superstar."


Go to Sleepin Child...Go to Sleepin.

01-18-2011, 01:08 AM
Punk was definitely in the wrong here.

The ShowOff
01-18-2011, 01:09 AM
How the kid slapped him? So being slapped is wrong? I mean if someone slapped you I'm sure you'd act the same way

01-18-2011, 01:12 AM
How the kid slapped him? So being slapped is wrong? I mean if someone slapped you I'm sure you'd act the same way

Punk asked him to slap him. Punk never should have done that at all and I am sure he might get in trouble for that.

The ShowOff
01-18-2011, 01:15 AM
Wrestlers do that all the time I seen it before at house shows but most kids are smart enough not to do it. After the first time the kid's parents should have got on to him not just let him do it again.

01-18-2011, 01:17 AM
Wrestlers do that all the time I seen it before at house shows but most kids are smart enough not to do it. After the first time the kid's parents should have got on to him not just let him do it again.

The kid was 10 yrs old lol you can not blame the kid for slapping him.

The ShowOff
01-18-2011, 01:20 AM
Which is why I said his parents should have got on to him and not let it happen again. Plus I seen kids around 10 or younger that know you don't touch a wrestler. It was probably some little Cena fan who is mad he's been making fun of his hero. Not saying Punk need to grab the kid but you know the Parents needed to control there kid

01-18-2011, 01:24 AM
Which is why I said his parents should have got on to him and not let it happen again. Plus I seen kids around 10 or younger that know you don't touch a wrestler. It was probably some little Cena fan who is mad he's been making fun of his hero. Not saying Punk need to grab the kid but you know the Parents needed to control there kid

ok, lets go through this. Punk starts yelling at fans at ringside, which is something he should not do in anger as it is. He asks a kid to slap him, which is something he can do if he is using it as part of his gimmick. He asks the kid to slap him again, remember, this is a 10 yr old. Now is where the real problem begins, Punk put his hands on the kid, he never ever should put his hands on any fan .. especially a kid. That is a big no no. I hope Punk gets into big trouble over this.

I have been to RAW shows and I have abused superstars and they just looked at me with a mean face, they would not touch me and these wrestlers deal with crap nearly every show, they should be professional. Punk is an idiot and is in the wrong.

The ShowOff
01-18-2011, 01:29 AM
So you've hit a wrester? If so and they hit back you can't do crap about it sorry to say. Like I said grabbing his shirt yes okay was bad but if you took say you had a 10-12 year old son and they hit a superstar would you let it happen again? If so not a good parent js. Punk was wrong yes but so was the kid and parents for not controlling him after the first time

01-18-2011, 01:31 AM
So you've hit a wrester? If so and they hit back you can't do crap about it sorry to say. Like I said grabbing his shirt yes okay was bad but if you took say you had a 10-12 year old son and they hit a superstar would you let it happen again? If so not a good parent js. Punk was wrong yes but so was the kid and parents for not controlling him after the first time

I never said I hit a wrestler :shifty: The parents may have thought all this was just part of Punks gimmick, you can not blame them, once Punk grabbed the kids shirt, then they got involved which is fair enough. As I said, Punk should not have placed his hands on the kid at all.

The ShowOff
01-18-2011, 01:35 AM
Okay then the first part overlook. But think here if your at a show say you got a kid he hits punk okay before that you wouldn't think to say anything. But after that should stop your kid from doing anything. Punk yeah didnt need to touch the kid but you know kid still is wrong idc if your 10 at that age you should know to not hit the wrestlers or anyone for that matter

01-18-2011, 01:40 AM
Okay then the first part overlook. But think here if your at a show say you got a kid he hits punk okay before that you wouldn't think to say anything. But after that should stop your kid from doing anything. Punk yeah didnt need to touch the kid but you know kid still is wrong idc if your 10 at that age you should know to not hit the wrestlers or anyone for that matter

Yeah but Punk is a heel. If he asked my kid to slap him, I would laugh and say go for it, especially if my kid was 10. If he asked a second time, sure I would let him, I would still think it was part of the show. I may stop after 2 though. Also, a 10 yr old can not know what is really going on properly, it is really young.

The ShowOff
01-18-2011, 01:42 AM
I knew at like 6 or 7 not to go around hitting people or I would get in trouble so I am sure a 10 year old would know. But let your kid hit a performer someone who is there to entertain YOU! face or heel you paid to see him not the other way around.

01-18-2011, 02:10 AM
A Wrestler in the Indies gimmick is to scare children to really get over and become a cowardly heel but the most pathetic ways to be a heel.

01-18-2011, 02:40 AM
This is hilarious.

01-18-2011, 03:17 AM
LOL Punk's on RAW now and he does have what looks to be a scratch and some swelling on his right eye

01-18-2011, 03:57 AM
LOL Punk's on RAW now and he does have what looks to be a scratch and some swelling on his right eye

lol He probably made it worse himself. :shifty:

Below is a cap I made from RAW this week. You can see the scratch on his right eye. :shifty:


Kenpachi Zaraki
01-18-2011, 08:26 AM
Punk is supposed to be a douche in real life so maybe that's why this kid hit him

Shane McMahon's Ass
01-18-2011, 10:57 AM
PHOTO: CM Punk/Nexus During Fan Incident Last Night

Thanks to Jeremy Wilkins for sending in the following:

I know this doesnt show the fans nor his eye, but this was the very moment that he was laughing and told the kid to slap him again. Just wanted to further back up how close I was to the situation.



Found this so i thought i'd contribute...

01-18-2011, 11:21 AM
I agree that a fan should never EVER put their hands on a superstar like that. Punk is a heel and was just doing his job

01-18-2011, 02:13 PM
I agree that a fan should never EVER put their hands on a superstar like that. Punk is a heel and was just doing his job

But ... Punk asked the fan to slap him. So who is in the wrong? Should Punk have asked the fan to slap him, not once, not twice but three times? Then Punk gets pissed off about it. Punk was acting like a fool it sounds like just because the fans were giving him shit.

01-18-2011, 02:19 PM

According to a key WWE source at Monday Night Raw, a lot of backstage ribbing has been taking place today about new top heel CM Punk getting hit by a fan last night at a live event. According to our source, Punk is taking it all in stride, and is laughing louder than anyone else about the fact he got hit.

"Punk feels like if he's getting hit, he's doing his job!" our WWE source told us, "he says he only wishes it was caught on tape!"

source: WZ