View Full Version : Thugs Stamp On Pregnant Woman

Black Widow
01-17-2011, 07:49 PM
POLICE are hunting two thugs who stamped on the stomach of a heavily pregnant woman during a street robbery.

The 18-year-old, who is 33 weeks pregnant, started having contractions after the attack and was rushed to hospital.

The woman, named only as Sophie, said she feared for the life of her unborn daughter as she begged the men to leave her alone.

She was with her 19-year-old former partner in Liverpool when they were attacked in alleyway on January 11 and her phone was stolen.

She said: "They jumped on us both and forced us to the ground. Because I was on my side I couldn't see what they were doing to him because I put my hands over my face trying to protect myself and the baby.

"Then they dragged me across the floor and I started screaming and saying 'I'm pregnant' but you couldn't miss it because I had a big bump.

"They stamped on the left side of my stomach. I don't know whether it was because I said I was pregnant but it was after I said I was pregnant that he stamped on me again."

Sophie added: "I was petrified that the baby wasn't going to make it."

She said after being taken to hospital: "The baby's heart rate kept dipping and I was on the heart monitor for hours."

But after an anxious wait medics gave her and the baby the all-clear.

Her ex-partner was treated for a black eye, bruised ribs, nose and wrists.

The police have appealed for witnesses to the attack which happened close to Switch Island retail park.

The Sun

01-17-2011, 08:28 PM
Kill them.

01-17-2011, 09:27 PM
Omg only 18 as well fu*king assholes.

Shane McMahon's Ass
01-18-2011, 03:33 PM
Kill them.

I totally agree! But first make them feel the hurt they caused her.