View Full Version : Backstage News On Ted DiBiase's Push & Maryse's

01-17-2011, 11:58 PM
Those spoken to within WWE aren't aware if there is any particular incident or reason that Ted DiBiase isn't receiving a stronger push on television. However, more than one person feels Maryse is struggling to work as an effective valet. One source indicated that the former glamour model appears much more concerned with drawing attention to herself and getting herself over rather than enhancing DiBiase's matches and overall presentation.


01-18-2011, 01:58 AM
In fairness to Maryse on that one it's long came across that there's some sort of angle being worked where Maryse gets fed up of DiBiase not being good enough.

Initially starting with the cryptic messages from Goldust and it's just continued to carry on.

Having Maryse having a go at DiBiase after matches and the commentators even commenting about it and speculating on their relationship.

Has happened a few times only to not lead anywhere but my point is it seems they're booked to do that in which case it'd be a bit harsh to claim Maryse is trynna hog the spotlight. Surely that's just part of the angle?