View Full Version : The Rock Done With Wrestling?, WWE In Paris, Streetfight, More

08-26-2006, 09:20 PM
source: PWInsider.com

In an article in the Washington Post, The Rock has been quoted as saying that he is "absolutely" done with pro wrestling. Click Here (http://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-dyn/content/article/2006/08/24/AR2006082401602_2.html?referrer=emailarticle) to read the article.

A Raw house show will take place in Paris, France on April 24, 2007.

Click Here (http://www.americanchronicle.com/articles/viewArticle.asp?articleID=12868) to read a lengthy review of the new McMahon DVD.

A Street Fight for the WWE Championship between John Cena and Edge is scheduled to take place after the 9/4/06 RAW taping Atlanta. Local cable commercials in Atlanta is advertising this match to take place.

08-27-2006, 05:25 PM

I wonder if Rock will change his mind... Maybe just one appearance for the right amount of money? :dunno:

08-27-2006, 05:27 PM
The Rock is finished for sure, I mean what else could he do, and it would be weird to see him in the ring again, and he got a new tatoo over the Brotum Bull or however u spell it, so he comes back, he would be called something else

08-27-2006, 06:02 PM
I cant believe that there are still people that thought that Rock wasnt through with wrestling. Its been two years since the last time he was on the show and he hasnt shown a bit of interest in wrestling since then. The guy is making 10 times more money to do 1/10th the work and doesnt have to risk his life every night, so I dont blame him for choosing movies. I hope he never comes back.

08-28-2006, 05:30 PM
i like The Rock as an actor better. when he was in wrestling just didn't have it to me anyways. i'll be seeing his next movie to:cool:

08-28-2006, 06:47 PM
i'm not surprised that the rock has finished with the wwe. he's done nearly everything there is to do in the wwe and is a true icon but it is time for him to move on

08-28-2006, 06:58 PM
I hope he never comes back.

omg, *slap* i hope you never come back. the rock is undoubtedly one of the best of the business. i hope he does return eventually. It's a shame though, that he's given up..

08-28-2006, 08:27 PM
Totally agree Flames