View Full Version : More John Piermarini Scoops Possible *SPOILERS*

01-23-2011, 10:15 PM
Former WWE creative team member John Piermarini has started his blog (http://wrestlingrecall.blogspot.com/) in which he has released a ton of scoops regarding things that occured in the company during the two years he was employed. The blog has since been pulled (the Website does say it will be back soon) but we have managed to retain some of the things Piermarini said. Below are some notes:

* The storyline between Daniel Bryan and The Bella Twins was actually first pitched by The Bella's. WWE has planned to run with a similar storyline for Evan Bourne before he was injured.

* There was talk that Drew McIntyre would be the man to take out the Undertaker before it was changed to Nexus.

* On the Undertaker, the plan right now is for him to wrestle Wade Barrett at WrestleMania 27, but of course this could change.


01-24-2011, 03:33 AM
Kind of a shame one of your best performers and let's face it, one of the best in the business, has his story lines dictated by the Bellas. That's just not right on so many levels.

01-24-2011, 03:49 AM
So... The Bellas WANT to be seen as whores? Good to know.

And kind of screwed Drew McIntyre over there, him attacking Undertaker would have been a huge push and now he's just floating in mediocrity.

01-24-2011, 04:11 AM
So, according to this guy Drew not only was gonna win MiTB but ALSO help Kane take out Undertaker? I don't buy it.

01-24-2011, 06:45 AM
This guy is little more than Meltzer Jr. If he knew what the hell he was talking about, he'd still be a member of the WWE creative team instead of putting together a bullshit blog.